Chapter fourteen

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"Key I knew it! Something is definitely off with Ethan. Also you are the only one to whom he shows this much interest!!"

"Kayle we can't just jump into conclusion but now I too am suspicious about him."

"I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!" she said in a very excited manner.

"Me too." I said , nodding my head.

She stopped in her stance. "How the apple fudge can you read my mind!?"

I gave her a blank look. "Really? Out of all your sweet curses, you are saying apple fudge?"

"That's not the point missy!" she said while snapping her index finger, "The point is did you read my mind?"

I sighed," Kayle not even Edward Cullen could read your puzzling mind, so who am I to read yours? Well thinking about that, it would really be cool to have such superpowers."

Kayle had this evil smirk plastered on her face, "That would really be cool knowing everyone's thoughts, especially of our own Luke from Percy Jackson."

I laughed at her description of Ethan. "It would really suit him!" I exclaimed.

"I know right! Coming to think of it, you are the Percy here. Like Luke, he too is behaving like a sweet chewing gum, but we know the sweetness of a gum doesn't lasts for a long time." she said with a flat face.

"Gosh Kayle you are the Chandler from Friends in my life." I said while still laughing my ass off.

She shrugged, "What can I say? I'm the goddess of beauty and jokes."

"Sarcastic jokes." I corrected her to which she gave a cheeky grin. As I said she's never gonna change.

So if you are guessing where we are, I'm not gonna tell you. Hehe, joking. We are seated in the most isolated table of cafeteria. And oh yeah, me and Kayle are discussing about the so called 'Luke', a.k.a, Ethan.

"Okay, now back to the top---"

"Hola mes chers amis!" I felt a tight squeeze around my shoulder, if that was not enough, someone literally screamed directly in my poor ears. ''Kiara you are back! I'm so happy to find you alive!!''

And that my friend, is none other than George. Instead of screaming like a maniac and being the matured one, I turned around and hugged him at a very awkward angle as the chair was in between our hugs. Nevertheless, I enjoyed being in his warm brotherly hug.

"George I missed you." I mumbled at his chest.

"Me to Key-Boo, me too." he whispered back.

I pulled off him with an amused smile. "Really? Key-Boo?''

He shrugged with a sly smirk, "What can I say? I'm amazing."

Suddenly Kayle started laughing out loud to which George and I turned around, sticking out our tongue in a childish manner.

''Sorry Key-Boo." Kayle mockingly said to me. Damn George to give me this name.

''Kids please be seated.'' George jokingly said to us.

''Yes grandpa!'' Kayle and I said in unison with a mock salute. George sat in front of me and Kayle to my right. Wait.....George is sitting with us!?

''Uh George, you're gonna sit with us? I mean you usually sit with your teammates, right?''

''I'm actually more comfortable sitting with you all plus my best friend, Mike, didn't come today. Also I miss spending time Key." said George.

"Uh George, we became friends a week ago." I said.

"And it already feels like eternity to me." he backfired to which I rolled my eyes.

''You are always welcomed to sit here." said Kayle with a shy smile.

''Thanks.'' he said while looking at Kayle in a sweet manner. I totally ship them!!

"Uh by the way, Jace will be joining our school from tomorrow.'' Just like that I threw the bomb at them. Kayle and George looked at each other in confusion and then at me. Not the expression I was expecting.

''Uh Kiara, he joined our school a week ago when you were still missing." said Kayle.

"The....what? Are you serious Kayle? That bastard lied to me!!" I shouted with a flabbergasted face.

"You mean Basshole." Kayle corrected me, to which I rolled my eyes. How dare he lie to me!?

And like this my lunch went, with me avoiding Ethan for the rest of the day.


When I reached home after school, I found father passed out on couch. typical of him to do that. I quietly crept inside and tiptoed towards my room carefully so that I don't bump into things. Once reached to my safe heaven, I shut the door making sure it doesn't creak. Now how will I get to work!? Right, by getting out of here as fast as possible.

I quickly changed into my work clothes, grabbed my book bag and wallet, then flew out of the room and into the hall. As a procedure I tiptoed across the sleeping beauty and then silently shut the main door. I guess today is my lucky day as he didn't woke up from his slumber.

As Ethan is doing rest of the assignment through the research I mailed him, I'm off the assignments for a week. The teachers said they'd give me the assignments in a week as I have a lot of stuff to catch up in class. I guess Jace buttered them with stories of me being sick as they are going this lenient on a student. At least I'm off the hook for a week.

The aroma of freshly roasted coffee bean and baked vanilla cake lingered in the air as I entered the café. As usual Sandra was at the counter as I made a beeline towards her.

"Hey Sandra, glad to see you again." I said with a warm smile.

"Hi Kiara. I guess your viral fever has gone, so good to see you all healthy.'' she said with a grin.

''Yeah...?'' my answer came out more like a question. Damn my freaking mind.

"It was genuinely good that your boyfriend came in here to let me know about you condition." Sandra said. Wait what!?

"Sandra did Jace say that he's my boyfriend?"

"No but it looked like that. He was very worried about you and had bags around his eyes."

"Sandra he's not my boyfriend. He's just a...... ummm.....friend. Yeah." Seriously a friend!? Ughhhh.

"Well he's a keeper and you should probably keep an eye on him." she said with a wink. Yeah that would happen when sun will starts rising from the west.

"Uh I should probably get to work. So much customers in here!" I said as i hastly made my way towards the kitchen.

"Denial is the first step towards love, hun!" Sandra shouted.

"And how do you know that!?" I shouted.

"Experience hun, experience!"

Hey guys! I'm back to wattpad with a fresh new chapter! What do you think of Kayle and George? Can Kiara let her walls down for Jace? Also, who do you ship? Kiara with Jace or Kiara with Ethan?

Comment down of you opinions. Hit the star button if you liked this chappy!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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