Turtle's power (EDITED)

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Master Fu and Adrien stood there, looking at Marianne like she grew a second head. Master Fu quickly ushered them in, to avoid drawing attention from any curious neighbors. Once the door was locked, and Marianne sat down, questions started raining down on her from both adults, both equally as worried as they were confused.

"Cursed? What do you mean cursed?"
"What did Spotty Bane say, exactly?"
"Why did he tell you that?"
"When did he tell you that?"

Marianne curled up into a ball and put her tiny hands over her ears, all of this too much for the small, shy kids she was. Adrien saw his daughter's panicked reaction and immediately stopped, smiled softly and picked her up. She put her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck, letting him support her weight with one hand whilst rubbing soothing circles on her back with the other.

"I'm sorry, baby. Sorry we attacked you like that." He whispered into her soft curls, kissing her scalp gently as her breathing slowed down.
"Daddy?" She said in a low and seemingly tired voice, exhausted by all the commotion and attention she was getting.
"Yes, Annie?"
"Can we go to aunt Alya's now?"
"Yes, yes we can baby. Let me just say something to Master Fu." He whispered to her, turning his head once she slightly nodded.

Adrien turned to Master Fu, and Ways, who was now flying above Master Fu's shoulder.
"We will be here at 10. Sorry, we have to leave so soon, this was a bit too much for her."
"Good. I will get everything ready." Master Fu mumbled and left the room, leaving it to Wayzz to see them out.

Adrien exited the small apartment, listening to Marianne's breathing as it evened out, meaning she dozed off. Once he put her into the passenger seat, he smiled and stroked her soft golden locks gently.

"My beautiful girl. I promise we will not let him harm a single hair on you." He kissed her on the forehead and went to the driver's side, his soft smile replaced with a frown. However, as he started the car and drove off, he never noticed the faint outline of a snake tattoo slowly crawling up Marianne's small arm.

At 9:50 pm

"Are the boys asleep?" Adrien asked Marinette, waiting impatiently for Plagg to finish his cheese.
"Sound asleep. Marianne, do you know what will happen now?" Marinette turned to her daughter, who smiled brightly and nodded.

"Yes, mommy. I will wait here and then Chat Noir and Ladybug will pick me up to bring me to the old weird man." Marianne repeated for the 10th time that night, repeating the line that her mother and father branded into her mind over the past hour. Marinette and Adrien smiled and kissed their daughter goodbye. With a final click of the lock, Marianne was home alone.

Not even a full minute passed when two figures entered the room through the window. Making Marianne fidget in her seat from excitement.

"Marianne Agreste?" Ladybug called out softly, trying hard to mask her voice.
"Present!" Marianne lifted her little arm, just like she would in class. She was wearing a headband with Chat Noir's ears on it, and a Ladybug themed purse, which she pulled out from behind her back the moment her parents were out the door. Chat Noir awed and went to pick her up as he would in his civilian form, but got a sharp elbow to the side before he could.

"Ouch! Why so harsh, m'lady?" He hissed and rubbed his side slightly, making Marianne giggle softly at his reaction.
"Because, kitty, don't freak her out." Ladybug gave him the 'if our daughter gets scared of our other personas you are so sleeping on the couch' look. Chat Noir just smiled sheepishly at her and stepped away, sending a wide smile Marianne's way. Ladybug smiled at Marianne as well and bowed down a little, making her small face light up with joy.

"Is the pretty miss Agreste ready for her trip?" Ladybug asked in a posh accent, bowing dramatically this time.
"Why yes, m'lady!" Marianne said through giggles, covering her mouth with her hands.
Ladybug raised her eyebrow at Marianne, and sarcastically commented:
"Oh great, looks like Chat got an heir to the pun throne."

Tides Turn (a Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now