Why the updates are slow

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(The song up there is beautiful!)

Right. Hi, my 4 readers that still think I'm alive. How are you? How is your summer?

I know most of you have abandoned this book, for one reason only: The slow updates.

Well, duh since the last update was in May and it's almost August! Well here it is, my confessions behind the slow updates.

Yesterday, this book hit the 1 year mark. Compared to its prequel, the book is looking bad, because WIESC had 40 chapters by the time it reached its first year, while Tides Turn doesn't even have 20 chapters under its belt. Also, my birthday was yesterday! Yay!

Anyways, the reason I update every 3 months or so after endless promises is this: I lost motivation for this book.

Now, this does not mean I'll stop writing it! Hell no! Never! I will finish it even if it takes 50 years.

But I lost motivation because I lost readers. And that is pretty demotivating if you ask me.

Why did I lose readers? Because at first I updated 4 chapters in 3 days, then nothing for almost 3 months! Why, you may ask? Well, time to say it.

I had a close friend, that died. And that shattered me. You see, I'm not a really social person, friends that fit me are few and far in between, so losing one that I had a bond with struck me hard. I was in depression for 2 months, and had 1 month of my own health struggle to deal with.

When I came back, 2 people read the chapter in 1 week! I was struck down by that, and I convinced myself that no one cared anymore, but I didn't blame them, because I would do the same. Every now and then I would get the inspiration to publish a chapter only to get the same result.

I hope I get to fix the picture, but if I don't, atleast you'll know why.

I hope you don't feel attacked by this, and see you later! Bye!

Stay safe, kitties!

Ocean Fury

Tides Turn (a Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now