Detectives Agreste

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The hustle and bustle of the hospital did not help to soothe Marianne's nerves at all. Apparently, both of her parents got injured tonight, together with aunt Chloe and uncle Nino, although they sustained minor injuries.

Just...How did it happen? And how didn't anyone see anything? Furthermore, why is there a blank space in her memory? Nothing makes sense, no matter how you put it. The only suspects she has in mind are akumas which haven't appeared since the disappearance of Hawkmoth, Paris's greatest super villain, and Spotty. But Spotty can't leave her mind and there was absolutely no sign of Hawkmoth in over 15 years. He most likely got bored or retired. What if a new villain appeared while her parents are not capable to fight?

"ANNIE!" A small blond child jumped into Marianne's lap, whimpering as he curled up in a ball. Behind him, Eva, Louis and grandpa Tom came as fast as they could, worry etched on their faces.
"Shhh Hugo, everything's gonna be alright. Mommy and daddy are alright." She stroked his golden locks in a soothing matter while he sniffled into her shirt.

"B-but t-they a-are h-hurt!"
"That's ok, Hugo! They will recover, they are the strongest people alive!" Marianne said in a cheery tone, hoping he won't sense her worry. Secretly, she was trying to believe her words. No, she believes her words! This is not the time to be sad, this is the time to find out what happened and how didn't she notice someone dragging her own mother into a park she was in?

"B-but, Annie..." Hugo sniffled as he looked up.
"No buts. Mommy and daddy are big, brave and smart superheroes who can't die, ok? And you are their smart little chaton who will make them 'get well' cupcakes. Am I right?" Marianne encouraged him as she lightly pinched his cheeks.

Hugo's eyes lit up at the word cupcakes. Apart from being a major sweet tooth, Hugo's greatest passion is baking sweets with grandpa Tom, and pastries with mommy. He loved spending hours in front of the oven, just watching the dough bake.
"Yes, Annie! I promise I won't fail them!"
"Well then, get going soldier!" They saluted each other before Hugo jumped into Tom's arms, clapping and begging him to bake cupcakes with him. Tom looked at Marianne with a worried expression, not sure if he should leave her and Louis alone in here. She just waved her hand and smiled.
"It's ok, grandpapa. We can handle it. I promise to call you when they wake up."

Tom walked over to her with a smile and kissed her forehead.
"My brave little macaron, take care of Louis and Eva. Don't get into trouble, and wish me luck with the little devil-" He interrupted himself with a cough. "-angel!" Marianne laughed and nodded, as Tom walked away with a dancing Hugo in front of him.

As soon as they turned the corner, Marianne frowned and looked at the floor.
"Sister, what's on your mind?" Louis stepped forward with worry in his voice.
"Something is bothering me. What happened to me? How did mom get injured and I didn't, if there was an attack?"
"Maybe you were well hidden?"
"No, I was in plain sight. She was hidden."
"Maybe the attack happened somewhere else, and the attacker dragged her into the park without her noticing?" Eva chimed in with a suggestion.
"Hm, possibly, but that brings it back to me. How didn't I notice it? Somebody dragged my mother into the same park I was in, without me even flinching. We need to get to the bottom of this." Marianne looked at Louis and Eva, as if she's looking for a solution in their faces. Louis leaned against the wall, and Eva sat down next to her.

A few long moments of silence passed, before Louis spoke up:
"Where did this happen, sis?"
"The park in the Tulip street."
"Alright, I came here with my bike, I'll drive there and search for any clues that might help us in any way. You girls can try and remember something, ok?"
Both girls nodded, and soon enough Louis was running down the hallway to the parking lot.

Marianne didn't know what to say, where to start. The adrenaline caused by shock was slowly diminishing, making her brain flooded with emotions. Her emotions tried to break free, her calm disappearing. The world was spinning for her, even if Spotty tried to help her. She gripped her head, and curled up in a ball.
Marianne! It's gonna be ok goldie locks! It's gonna be ok! You need to remember now, your parents are very strong, you will be alright!

Tides Turn (a Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now