Marianne Agreste

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Hello everyone, I am finally done with school and Christmas and ready to devote myself to you! well, let's not fool around and finally find out more about Marianne Agreste, shall we? Enjoy!


Marianne was a perfect blend of her parents, their flaws and virtues. Her long golden hair was perfect in any position, combed or not, her gaze and walk would make boys fall at her knees. However, she was extremely oblivious to all of this, courtesy of her father. Her soft bluebell eyes radiated with kindness and occasional shyness, but with that shyness came clumsiness, to her mother's dismay. But Marianne was no pure mash-up, she had quirks of her own. She liked exploration, her favorite subject was chemistry, and her favorite color was beige. As for boys, unlike her mother, she held very little to no interest. She is more of a ' You are cute, but I'm only dating you if you Have Shawn Mendes' face, Ed Sheeran's voice and Jack Sparrow's personality' type of girl.

"Marianne! School is in 15 minutes, hurry up!" oh and another 'virtue'that she inherited from her mother was sleeping in.
"Mom! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" Marianne screamed as she ran downstairs, her school bag in one hand, and a pair of socks in the other. Marinette smirked behind her coffee cup, and put a bagel in her mouth.

"Woopsie. I must have forgot. Well, nothing you can do now. Run along now!" Mari finished that sentence in a high voice, pointing to the door like a royal. Marianne glared at her mother as she put her socks on.
"Ywu arw so nwt fwer! ( Your'e so not fair!)" And with that she ran to Adrien's car.

Marinette chuckled into her cup, but soon squealed as she was hugged from behind by her husband (feels so weird to call Adrien that).

"Feeling naughty to our princess this morning, my lady?" He whispered as he kisses the back of her neck and the soft skin behind her ear, elicting a groan from her.

" You were much worse than her when you were her age.  I think this was vengeance, and that is a sin in my book. Does my lady need punishment?" Adrien smirked as he nibbled her earlobe. Marinette's cheeks heated up, she knew what punishment means, and just the thought of... Oh God, it was still embarrassing to her!
"N-no! I w-was just-"
"You are lucky we don't have time for this right now, because if we did..." He traced her hips under her clothes, and whispered "... I would touch much more then just your hips, my dear."

He kissed her cheek, and went out the door, leaving her flustered and flushed. Once  he entered the driver's seat, he grinned at Marianne with a cat grin.
"Pay up, kiddo."
"What?! you did it???" Marianne gawked at her father.
" I told you men can seduce better then women."
" You wish." Marianne snorted as she pulled out a nutella b-ready from her backpack and handed it to her father.
"Oh, I don't wish, I know, baby cheeks."

"Oh really? And if I ask aunt Alya about mom and you, what will she say? Especially when mom wore the mask?" This time, Marianne wore the victory smirk, as Adrien blushed, groaned and threw the treat back to her.  Marianne knew about the kwamis, because when you have an evil anti-kwami growing inside of your heart, you kind of want to know what it is and where it came from.

"Boom! She served you on a silver plate with a side of camembert, Adrien!" A laughter was heard from Adrien's jacket pocket.
"Good morning, uncle Plagg!" Marianne greeted Plagg while Adrien's face turned even redder then before.
" Annie-Kid! Where's my camembert, sugah?" Plagg replied in a mock New York accent while Marianne laughed and gave him the camembert he so desired.

"Some kwami you are, Plagg. You are treating her better than you ever did me." Adrien murmured from the sidelines.
"She's much cuter, Kid."
"That's your only reason?!"
"Dad, uncle, you are annoying me right meow." Marianne interrupted them before they went any  further. Lucky for her, both Adrien and Plagg love puns, and that is the perfect thing to stop their fights.

"Told you she was cute, Kid!" Plagg awwed at Marianne while Adrien just chuckled and looked at the road.

"Are we there yet?" A voice from behind startled Marianne. Louis sat in behind, watching the usual morning exchange while music was blaring from his headphones.

"Ah! Louis, how did you get here?" Louis's green eyes twinkled in amusement, before he replied: "I was in the car in time, a concept unfamiliar to you. I would explain it to you, but i don't think your attention span is that long, sis."
"It's definetly not as long as your tongue, little brother."

"Shut up, blondie."






"Ok! We're here! Bye kids, daddy loves you, see you later!" Adrien broke up their name-calling when they stopped in front of the school. The old Francois-Dupont was the same, only with new students, some new teachers, and new drama.

"ANNIE!!!"  A voice eerily similar to Alya's yelled out.
"EVIE!!!!!" Marianne yelled back at a brown-skinned girl with dark brown long hair, glasses, and amber eyes. Eva Lahiffe, the daughter of Alya and Nino Lahiffe, is Marianne's best friend. When Marianne was away, they skyped every day, and found many things in common. Eva had her mother's spunky personality (hehe, me proud. New Alya to play with :3), and her father's taste in music. Unfortunetly for Annie, she arrived to school with Louis, Eva's arch enemy.

Eva came flying like a bullet towards Marianne, hugging her in what could only be described as a death hug.
"Evie...Bones...Breaking...Lungs...deforming...Me...die..." Marianne croaked out. Eva quickly let go of Marianne, earning a comment from Louis:
"Thank God you let her go. What are you trying to do, kill her? I swear, you never change, Mrs.Freak." Eva's glare zeroed in on Louis' face, as she replied:
"Who asked you anything, Mr. Prick?"

"Awww, you two have nicknames for each other already! So cute!" Marianne awwed at them to get their attention. She really didn't like fights, Master Fu taught her to always end conflict before it escalates. She never knew why he put such an emphasis on it, but she went along with it.

"SHUT UP, ANNIE!" Both yelled at her at the same time. She just rolled her eyes and dragged Eva off to class.

"bye, Lou! See you home!" She yelled while shoving a grumbling Eva into the classroom.

"Those two will never change. It's fun to watch them, though!"A voice said.

'I agree, Spot. Atleast there's something that can entertain us in this boring place.' She replied.

Welcome to the average life of Marianne Agreste!

Aaaand that's a wrap! I hope you liked it, I will update more during the holidays, see you soon!

Stay safe, kitties!

Ocean Fury

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