The Snake's Warning

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Hi! Its been a long time since I updated, but here I am!

Enjoy the chappie, kitties!

(also this is my first time writing on a computer! I hope its gonna turn out well; but I'm still gonna edit it on my phone)



She lifted her face, which made Marinette gasp, Adrien to clench his fist, and Plagg to get a chill down his spine. A snake tattoo was winding around her eye, moving little by little. Her eyes were violet and cold, and white pointy teeth shined from her mouth, curled upwards in a smirk.

"Good evening everybody. Missed me?"

End of recap

"Spotty Bane! Release. My. Daughter." Adrien growled in a low tone. Marinette flinched a little. He has remained stable since the battle, with a few black sparks here and there, nothing special. But now, its rising again. Marinette has her own problems too. Ever since she used both of the Miraculoses, she has the gift of seeing the future, and the past. Everytime she feels the demon rising, she gets a massive headache.

"Adrien, calm down." She whispered,holding her head. Adrien glanced at her, unable to calm his rising temper.

"Spotty Bane is dead. Well, hibernating, but he will be taken care of, I assure you." 'Emma' said with a humorless laugh.

Adrien tensed up. Its Spotty's other side, Slithering Bane. Probably the only thing he despises more than Spotty Bane, is this diabolical snake.

"I don't care. Give. Her. Back." He growled out in a low tone.
"No can do. I can't give you something that's apart of me. Don't worry, I am here on official buisness." Slither replied as he repaired the vase with a flick of the wrist.

"What do you mean?!" Adrien cried out in anger.

"This little human is my hoast, Chat Noir. And your daughter, by chance. She is my unfinished buisness, and I plan to finish it."

Adrien just growled coldly at him.

"You know, I need to get rid of Marianne, since I only got rid of Emma. Such a pity." He continued.

"DON'T SPEAK HER NAME, YOU FILTHY REPTILE!" Marinette yelled at him, tears in her eyes. Now all eyes were on her.

"You don't dare speak about my daughter, you murderer. Don't make me harm you." She said through gritted teeth.

Slither got this glimmer in his eyes.
"I never murdered her, Marinette. In fact, both you and I know it wasn't me, or Spotty Bane. We all know who the real killer is." He smirked. A flash of fear went through Marinette's eyes, but was soon replaced by rage. Cold rage.

"Say what you have to, and as for that... Keep your mouth shut." She gritted out.

"As you wish, human." He now turned to the rest of the heroes, all staring at him and Marinette with a look of confusion.

"The demise of the spotted snake caused a greater evil to awaken. With the fall of the last anti-kwami, my Master will come and free me from my prison, and I will not be as merciful as Spotty Bane was."

"Prison? I thought he was bipolar." Chloe blurted out.

Slither's sharp eyes turned to her, and he replied calmly:
"No. I was never his alter ego, if that's what your'e aiming at. I was his pupeteer. I was the one who whispered to him, I was the one who made him kill all but two kwamis. Those he killed himself. And with time, I grew stronger, I became more than a whisper, I became his equal. And now, he is the whisper, and I am the master." He finished, his gaze going from person to person.

"My daughter has nothing to do with this, release her." A cold whisper spoke. Oh no, Adrien. Eyes like slits, menacing fangs, dark shadows. The demon is back.

"Woops. I forgot about this little detail."

"ADRIEN CALM DOWN!" Marinette yelled, gripping her head. A white streak of hair appeared on her left side.

"And I forgot about that little detail as well." Slither cleared his throat.

"You won our last battle. However, the tides have turned in my favour. I call for a rematch. See you soon." He smirked, and Marianne collapsed on the floor.

The demon subsided, Marinette took a deep breath, and it was all gone. In a flash, gone. Like it was a bad dream.

"Master..." Alya uttered. She had tears in her eyes for some reason. Master Fu just nodded, without saying a word.

"W-what? What do you mean? Alya, why are you crying?" Marinette asked, feeling a little dizzy. Adrien picked up Marianne, and cradled her in his arms.

"We will tell you later. Chloe, come with me." Master said, turning around and leading her to the other room.

A few minutes later, Master returned, with no Chloe in sight.

"Master, where-" Adrien started, but was interrupted.

"I'll go make some tea." He went and left into the kitchen.

15 minutes later

Adrien and Marinette were sitting in the living room, dumbfounded at what just happened. Alya was currently cuddling the sleeping Marianne.

Soon, a noise was heard. Someone was knocking on the window. Adrien stood up and opened the window, and in flew Queen Bee.

With Marianne's black cat suitcase.

Master Fu came out of his room with a brown, old suitcase. He looked at Marinette and Adrien,with a sad look.

"Say goodbye to her."

Those words made them both immediatley stand up and protest:
"Master, no! Why would we leave her?!"
"She is our daughter, we are responisble for her!"

"That's why you have to stay away. She could cause a negative reaction within you. I doubt she can control Slithering Bane, no one can. I will try my best to train her, but I can't promise anything." Master Fu quickly replied, and took the sleeping girl from Alya's arms.

Marinette whimpered with a cracked voice, while Adrien askes in a cracked voice:" When will she be back?"

"...I don't know." He quietly replied.

And closed the door behind him.

Welp, that happened. Now, what can I say?
Oh yeah.

Stay safe, kitties!

Ocean Fury

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