Spotty's Lies

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School was not one of Marianne's favorite activities. On the contrary, she despised it just as much as every other student, if not even more. Chemistry is bearable, but everything else can be classified as torture. Seriously, who gives a 20 page essay for Monday, and today is Friday? Only a lunatic. Teachers who do this, people have lives, you know.

Marianne huffed as she waited for her dad to pick her and Louis up. Waiting with Louis is completely fine, unless you have Eva on your other side holding a glare war/staring contest with him over your shoulder. Marianne never figured out why they want to kill each other on a daily basis, she just wanted it to stop.

"Why are you here anyways? You live 5 minutes from here, freak." Louis just had to open his big flabby mouth and make a mess.

"What do you care, dork? Maybe I want to spend time with my best friend, something that should not concern little dorky jerks like you."Eva returned with a snap. Aaaaaaand here it goes. Yay.

"Because I don't want to hear your girly screaming over the wall! You are annoying as it is."

"Wow, are you jelaous because no girl will ever scream over you? Pathetic, Louis. Cute hair isn't enough to impress a girl, you know." She announced with a smirk.

"Oh wow, you just quoted Marcus, the head fuckboy of the school? It's a real shame when someone of your calibre steals lines from guys with a negative IQ." Louis smirked back at her. The bickering eventually caused Marianne to snap, and yell:

"WOULD YOU TWO JUST-" Wait... Did he just say she was smart? And he knows where she lives? Did she just compliment his hair? When did that start to happen?

"Would we what, Annie?" Eva asked.

"-talk a little more quietly?" She muttered, still confused by the fight. Either this has never happened before, or Marianne just started noticing it, which wouldn't have been the first time this happened.

"Marianne, we can't stay in front of the school forever! Mom's making cookies!" A child yelled. Oh, Hugo. Wait, Hugo? Hugo doesn't go to school. Marianne turned around, only to meet her father's eyes from the car. She almost tripped several times as she sprinted to the car, and slid into the passenger seat before Louis and Eva even reached the car.

"I call shotgun!" She yelled in success.
"No fair! You sprinted!" Louis complained.
"Ya snooze, ya lose." Marianne smirked at him while he just rolled his eyes.

At the house

The dinner at the Agreste family was a show alright. Not even 15 minutes passed before all hell broke loose. Eva and Louis threw insults at each other, Hugo screamed bloody murder because he hates broccoli, and Marianne and Adrien had a pun contest to see if Adrien could be taken down from his throne, which is of course practically impossible.

While all of this is happening, Marinette's patience thined out with every word thrown across the table, until she finally stood up, slammed her hands on the table and went into Ladybug mode.
"Adrien, shut up. Louis, up to your room. Eva, Marianne, go out for a walk. Hugo, if you don't eat those greens, no Transformers tonight, you are going straight to bed without a bedtime story. Are we clear?"

Everyone nodded. Over the years, Marinette has outgrown her shy side, and became a strong, and persuasive mother, wife, and woman. Marinette stood up from the table, putting her shoulder length hair in a messy bun, before going to her designer studio on the top floor of the house.

"Dad, can we take Plagg with us?"
"Sure, Annie." Adrien smiled and gave them the sleeping kwami. Marianne smiled and nudged him.
"Wake up, smelly kitty. We are taking you for a walk!"
"*grumbles* You don't take cats to walks, blondy.*yawns* Even crazy cat ladies know that."
"Oh, come on Plagg!" Marianne begged.
"NEIN, DU KLEINE SCHEIßE KINDER! SEI RUHIG!" Plagg yelled in German, and flew off.

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