Fourth Letter

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Dearest Best Friend,

Do you remember when I called you and told you that my TLE teacher gave me and my classmates a project and that was to draw the tools and equipment of sewing kit and I even told you that I sucked at drawing but then your idea came, you told me that you're going to help me by doing my project and I just agreed on it. My parents didn't know that you were helping me, that you are also drawing my school project and even wrote my name on top of your drawings. But I also drew mine and told to myself that this is the one I'm going to pass not yours.

The next day, you gave me your work and it was beautiful and says my thanks to you. When we came to our school, I was guilty because I made you work on my own project, I told you to draw the sewing kit for me... I was selfish and I abused being our friendship. I wanted to say sorry to you to what I had done but I was a coward. So, I was forcing myself to be happy when I am with you, my best friend. I can't tell you how guilty I am when you gave me your work to me. I was so wrong. I passed your work to my teacher and my classmates were asking me how did I do it, I just kept smiling at them with no words, just silence. And that's how I became a quiet person. To be honest, ever since I was in 1st grade, I was the noisiest in class but then I changed when you came during our 4th grade. You are really beautiful and I'm not a lesbian, I'm a straight woman. Hahaha!

You are clever and I am not. That was the day... The day where my grades are failing, I didn't told you this because I know you are going to help me and you know what, my parents were comparing us to each other they always said that you are a bright child, you are good in grades and you are good in everything. I'm not saying that I am jealous of you, honestly, I was so proud of you and I know this is fate. I was the one who look after you when you transfer to my school service and to our school; I was the one who took care of you, the one who made you happy and have friends and also the one who kept your secrets. I'm sure you don't remember this, when you transferred to the school service our conductor told us to take care and be friends with you and I did. I had done a great job.

I hope you understand and remembered all of this, S.

Your ex-best friend,


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