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Dean Winchester heads into his first class of the day on a Monday morning. He sits down in the lecture hall with coffee in one hand and his laptop in the other. Dean takes a seat in one of the classroom desks, opening and starting up his laptop with a yawn and a sip of coffee following. He groans and lays his head down on his laptop trying to catch a two minute nap before the class began. He knew it was a bad idea to take a nine a.m. class his senior year but he needs this class for his major and he just had to have Professor Novak for his last year.
Professor Novak is arguably the best english professor on campus. As an english major, Dean wanted the best professor. Dean's best friend, Brooke, sits down next to him and smiles perky as ever. You would think she's a morning person, but no, She just really likes coffee. She had probably already downed her first cup of coffee and beginning her second, while Dean rolled out of bed and ran to the Starbucks on campus.
Brooke takes a sip of her coffee before staring down Dean. "What time did you go to sleep last night?" Brooke asks with concern yet disappointment in her voice. Dean rolls his eyes. "Don't talk to me until I finish my coffee. We're not friends, I don't know you. Leave me alone. I'm too hungover for this shit." Brooke throws her hands up as a sign of surrender. "I'm guessing late then..." she giggles. Silence fills the area as Professor Novak walks into the room wearing his usual tan trenchcoat over his suit and carrying a briefcase. "Morning class. I assume you all did the assigned reading for the quiz today?" Professor Novak says, walking behind his desk and sitting the briefcase down beside it.
Dean's eyes widen and he looks down at his desk. He had been out late at a party with his friend Jeninne. She tries to drag him out every night but he tries to only party once a week since he's hoping to graduate this semester.
"I forgot to do the reading," Dean whispers to Brooke.
Brooke shakes her head in disapproval.
"Maybe our hot professor will give you an A in exchange for a sexual favor," she teases biting down on her pencil eraser.
Dean rolls his eyes. "Yeah maybe if I offered for you to do a sexual favor."
" Oh Deano, I don't think I'm his type." She grins. Brooke gives Dean the eyebrow raise that makes him rather uncomfortable.
"What?" Dean says, confusion peeked in his face.
"Well, First off I'm not male," She says bring her index fingers together.
"You think he's gay?"
"I don't think, I know. My gaydar is never wrong." She says, giving Dean a subtle wink.
"Shhhh" a fellow classmate says.
"Shhh yourself " Brooke snaps.
Not another word is spoken the rest of the class.
The class goes around picking up the daily quiz.
"Do you remember learning this?" Brooke asks.
Dean rolls his eyes in annoyance.
Confusion read on his face as he read the first few questions, he decides to guess his way through.
Minutes later the bell rings, students move quickly out the exit, dropping their quiz on the professors desk on the way out.
Dean puts his quiz paper on Professor Novak's desk as they walk out and Professor Novak smiles at him.
Dean tightens the grip on his bag and proceeds.
"I definitely bombed that," Dean says to Brooke.
"You always say that and you always get a better grade than me. It's annoying," she says gripping her books to her chest.
"No but this time I'm sure of it. I didn't do any of the reading." He says, worry in his voice.
"What were you doing last night anyway? Out with Jeninne again?" she asks giving Dean a shoulder nudge.
"Yeah, there was some big frat party that she just had to go to."
Brooke rolls her eyes. "She always has to go to every party."
"I know you're not a fan of Jeninne but she's fun. Just because partying isn't your thing doesn't mean other people can't like it," he defends.
"I just don't see the appeal. We're seniors, isn't she tired of the party scene yet? It's just a bunch of drunk guys playing stupid party games and trying to hook up with any girl they can."
Dean shrugs. "You're not wrong, but I mean think about it, this is our last chance to really party and have fun. Our last year of school. After this it's all work and no play. Don't you want to have any fun?"
"I have plenty of fun from the comfort of my dorm room with my books," Brooke says.
"Alright well you enjoy that and let Jeninne enjoy her parties," he says. "Anyway I'm gonna go visit my brother before my next class." Brooke rolls her eyes once again. Dean hopes one day that they might just roll right out her head.
"You smother him. You know he's eighteen right? He can handle himself," she says.
"Shut up. I'll meet you later for dinner."

Dean opens his Skype app and considers maybe messaging angelcas if he's online. He checks and is sad to see that he's offline deciding to check again in a couple hours.

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