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dean67 is typing...
dean67: the party is great, i'm great, everything is great
angelcas: had a bit to drink huh dean?
dean67: maybe but i'm fine, i'm great actually
angelcas: yeah? then why are you texting me while at a party
dean67: shut up
dean67: person commming gtg
dean67 is offline
Dean puts his phone away quickly to look at the beautiful girl who just sat next to him on the couch.
She smiles at him. "Now what is a guy like you doing sitting on his phone at a party. Your girlfriend out sick tonight?"
"No, no girlfriend just me," he grins. "And my friend but he seems to have ditched me. I'm Dean."
"I'm Mich," she puts her hands on his leg subtly and squeezes.
"I'm not much for small talk. Already had a drink or two, and talked to a couple people. Why don't we just take this upstairs?"
Dean looks down at her hand on his leg and back up at her.
A couple minutes later they've found a room and Dean has her pressed against the door kissing her. She tries to get his shirt off so he quickly takes it off and throws it somewhere then he gets hers off and kisses down her chest while still looking up at her. She motions to the bed and Dean goes back to kissing her then pushes her back onto the bed.
He slows down a little because it doesn't feel right, none of it. He's hooked up with plenty of girls and he's usually turned on by now.
Mich starts kissing down his chest and undoes his belt. He frowns a little as she starts pulling down his pants.
"Is something wrong? You're not even hard," she says frowning.
"No, it's not you it's just—"
"Great, I found the one gay guy at the party right?" she huffs and throws his belt across the room somewhere. She grabs her shirt and puts it back on. "You know you really should leave girls on like that. If you don't like girls you could've just said so." She slams the door leaving Dean starring at the floor wonder what just happened.

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