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dean67 is typing...

dean67: hey angel

dean67: i know we havent talked in a few days

dean67: but i was thinking about you when i read this poem

dean67: anyway

dean67: hope things are well, bye cas

dean67: PS. im still here

dean67 is offline

Dean hears a knock on his door and gets up to get it when Brooke comes barging in. Alex groans, "Dean, can you please control your friends? I could've been getting changed or something."

Dean rolls his eyes. "Fuck off, Alex."

Brooke smiles. "Heard you got an A on your quiz!"

Dean nods and grins. 'Yep, Professor Novak graded it right in front of me. Honestly, he seemed pretty proud of me or maybe he just is always that enthusiastic."

Brooke rolls her eyes. "Or he has the hots for you."

Dean sighs. "Don't make it weird. He's just a teacher admiring my progress."

"Uh huh sure," Brooke says. "You won't be saying that when you're sucking his dick."

"Alright, you're gross get out," Dean says shaking his head.

Brooke laughs. "You have to get over that Cas girl somehow. So if that means you need to get some dick I mean I don't judge."

Dean pushes her towards the door playfully. "Out, out, out. Don't let the door hit you."

He shuts the door and locks it sighing in relief. 

Alex turns to him. "So who is this teacher?"

PS. I'm Still HereWhere stories live. Discover now