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angelcas is typing...
angelcas: hello dean
dean67: look at you, messaging me first
dean67: ill have to mark this day on my calendar
angelcas: contrary to what you may believe, I enjoy our talks
dean67: you could have fooled me
angelcas: alright then well tell me about yourself, personality type things
dean67: im 22, i was born in kansas, my dad lives an hour from campus, i have a brother that goes here as well named sam and yeah that's about it
dean67: i don't suppose you'll tell me anything about you?
angelcas: i wasn't born in kansas, i have a brother named gabriel but we're not really on spreading terms, he's kind of a dick
dean67: wow that was almost you actually opening up to me
angelcas: dean, i want to be open with you but you won't like the result.
angelcas is offline
Castiel shuts his laptop from his desk in his bedroom and groans loudly. Of course he doesn't want to keep any of this from Dean. He's become quite find of Dean and he wants to tell him everything but he's too afraid of losing what they have. Talking anonymously with him is so peaceful because he can just listen to Dean talk or he can talk without anything going wrong since it's just online. He needs to talk to Alicia about this again, she told him to sleep on it but he's having a bit of trouble with that considering he can only think of Dean.

PS. I'm Still HereUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum