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   Later that night he decides to go out to another party with Jeninne after Cas told him that he deserves a break. Despite all of Brooke's protests he still decides to go out.

"Glad you decided to come out with me and not stay in like a pussy," Jeninne teases.

Dean shakes his head. "Not in the mood for any of your snarky comments."

"Okay, well I don't really know how to speak without making snarky comments so maybe you should just get drunk and then it won't bother you." She grins

Dean sighs, he can't thinking about his bad grade. He learned a long time ago not to dwell on one bad grade but this one was really bothering him for some reason. He felt like he really let down Professor Novak since all his grades before this had been good. As soon as they walk into the party he gets a drink in his hand as does Jeninne. Most guys at the party were looking at her since the ratio of girls and guys at these parties usually is uneven. They start walking around socializing with some people when Dean sees his ex girlfriend Grace walk in.

"Shit don't look now but you know who just walked in," Dean mumbles to Jeninne.

"Oh you mean Grace," Jeninne says non discreetly.

"Shut up, she'll hear us." Dean says shoving his drink in his mouth.

"Seriously, you're afraid of your ex girlfriend? The great Dean Winchester is afraid of a girl." She mocks.

"I just don't want her to make a scene. If she sees me she will. Unless I'm with another girl," Dean says looking at Jeninne with a grin.

"Oh hell no, like together? Pretty sure it's obvious that we aren't--"

Dean and Grace connect eyes and he cuts Jeninne off by smashing lips. He pulls away and laughs at Jeninne's shocked expression.

"Uhh .."

"Hmm don't have anything snarky to say now do ya." He chuckles. Dean walks away deciding to just leave since Grace is about to go around talking shit about him anyway but it was worth it to piss her off. Oddly enough he didn't really feel anything from kissing Jeninne, obviously he doesn't have feelings for her but he thought he'd at least feel something, anything. He hadn't kissed anyone in awhile.

He goes back to his room and studies for awhile then just checks if Cas is online then decides to go to sleep when he sees that he's not, still not being able to shake the sense that he's a failure.

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