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dean67 is typing...

dean67: my brother and his girlfriend are so annoying

angelcas: how so?

dean67: well sam invites me over to hang out but really its just me third wheeling and them trying to set me up on dates

angelcas: that's sweet, they clearly care about you
dean67: im with them right now and its been his girlfriend, nita, shoving pictures of girls in my face and trying to set me up with them
angelcas: not interested?
dean67: not right now, no, ive got my mind on someone else
dean67: ugh i have to go sammy is yelling at me to get off my phone
dean67 is offline
"I was just replying to someone real quick, Sam," Dean says defensively.
"Uh huh, Cas right? The same person you've been 'replying to real quick' for weeks," Nita says calling him out.
"Well I like Cas. Give me a break."
"Have you considered the fact that Cas could be someone on campus you know just catfishing you?"
"No way, I know that's it's not someone catfishing."
"Are you sure? Cause we could call Nev," Sam says teasingly.
"Sometimes I think you two just get bored and invite me over to torture me," Dean says.
"Sam why'd you tell him?" Nita says and laughs.

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