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dean67 is typing...

dean67: what if I don't want a girlfriend?

angelcas: what?

dean67: well remember yesterday how I said sam and nita keep trying to set me up?

angelcas: yes but you're not interested right now

dean67: right well I don't want to date just any girl, i'm tired of just going on random dates with girls and then maybe hooking up with them

dean67: i want something real with someone

dean67: i have girls throw themselves at me at parties all the time and i'm just not interested anymore

angelcas: well I mean you're a senior so you're what, 21? 22 maybe?

dean67: 22

angelcas: its normal to want to settle down with someone

dean67: i've been so worried about not feeling attracted to anyone lately

dean67: well except for this one professor I have but that's stupid

dean67: my friend bauti said its just because i want to settle down with someone so that must be it

angelcas: which professor? what's her name?

dean67: no, no I can't be attracted to them, like i said it's stupid

dean67: i'm gonna go, got some studying to do anyway

dean67 is offline

Dean looks up from his phone and sighs a little.

"Are you still moping? C'mon get off your phone I swear you never stop looking at that thing," Bauti says.

"I'm just-- I don't know. Confused lately..." Dean says.

"We already went over this, man. You just need to find a girl that's the one, ya know?" 

"Right, I mean, it's normal to notice other guys right? Like appreciate when someone has been going to the gym a lot lately," he trails off feeling unsure.

"Not sure what kinda gay shit you're talking about. Maybe you just need to get laid by the next girl you see and stop talking to that Cas girl. She's messing with your head."

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