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dean67 is typing...

dean67: hey you logged off in kind of a hurry last night

dean67: is everything okay?

angelcas: yeah sorry about that just somethings on my mind that's all

dean67: anything you want to talk about?

angelcas: maybe but not right now

dean67: remember that class I was worried about failing?

dean67: well I've been busting my ass trying to do better and I think its actually paying off

dean67: I retook the quiz I failed and did really well

angelcas: told you that you aren't a failure

dean67: my brother has always been the more successful one in the family so

dean67: even though i'm older i still kind of feel like im living in his shadow

dean67: he wants to be a lawyer and i just want to be a teacher

angelcas: my parents pretty much question every life decision I make so I can understand that

angelcas: its not all about how much money you make in a career

angelcas: its also about doing what makes you happy

dean67: yeah i think so too

dean67: but not my dad, he didnt go to college and he's been struggling his whole life keeping a steady job and works his ass off for the money he makes

dean67: he thinks an english degree is a waste of a college degree

angelcas: what do you think?

dean67: well i think thats bullshit and ive been working just as hard as sammy has to get my degree and graduate

dean67: school comes easily to him

angelcas: i think you're really smart, dean

dean67: thanks cas

angelcas is offline

Dean looks back at his assignment that he's been working on. They have to annotate and write a paper on a sonnet of their choice from Hamlet and Dean has been struggling to pick one since its all difficult.

Dean selects a sonnet from Act V, Scene II:

"HAMLET Sir, in my heart there was a kind of fighting,

That would not let me sleep: methought I lay

Worse than the mutines in the bilboes. Rashly,

And praised be rashness for it, let us know,

Our indiscretion sometimes serves us well,

When our deep plots do pall: and that should teach us

There's a divinity that shapes our ends, 

Rough-hew them how we will,--"

Most people find the end of Hamlet to be tragic but Dean decides that he thinks the last scene is peaceful.

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