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dean67 is typing...

dean67: you're online late

angelcas: so are you

dean67: i'm studying

angelcas: how's that going?

dean67: bad and my friend keeps bugging me to go to some party

angelcas: and are you going?

dean67: not tonight, my ex has been going to these parties and i'd rather not run into her

angelcas: probably a good choice

dean67: hate to cut the conversation short but i should get back to studying

dean67: goodnight angel

angelcas: stop calling me that, I told you my name is cas

dean67: sure but you didn't tell me what it stands for 

dean67: or anything else

dean67 is offline

Dean groans as he logs off of Skype. He wants to know more about Cas and maybe meet them at some point. For now he decides he'll just slowly get information out of them.

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