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dean67 is typing...
dean67: i failed
dean67: told you i'm a failure
angelcas: trust me, you're not a failure
dean67: i know but i want to do well so i can graduate this semester
angelcas: so you're a senior I'm assuming
dean67: maybe
dean67: you know you could tell me something about you for once
angelcas: my name is cas
dean67: which is short for...?
angelcas: goodbye dean
angelcas is offline

"Cas," he says out loud sitting in his dorm room. 

Alex, Dean's roommate, clears his throat awkwardly. "Could you stop fucking talking to yourself and giggling like a school girl at your computer? I'm trying to watch vines."

"First of all, I don't giggle and second of all you're constantly listening to weird shit out loud. Except when Liam's here," Dean says and huffs. Liam is their other roommate and he's very straight but Dean's pretty sure Alex is secretly (or maybe not so secretly) obsessed with him.

Dean goes back to thinking about Cas wondering what the name is short for, maybe Cassie or Cassandra, or Cassidy.

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