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dean67 is typing...
dean67: something weird happened today
dean67: my professor is doing this poetry unit and i have to write a paper on that angel poem you like
angelcas: yeah it's a pretty famous poem
dean67: yeah i figured
dean67: my friend bauti wants me to go out and pick up chicks with him
dean67: but it just doesn't sound that fun to me
dean67: he says i just need to get laid
angelcas: right well what do you think?
dean67: idk cas
dean67: things have been weird lately and now i have to find out what this poem means personally to me and i have no idea
angelcas: well when you think of the poem what's the first thing that comes into your head
dean67: you
dean67: wait, i think i know what i'm going to write
dean67: talk to you later, thanks for your help!
dean67 is offline

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