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dean67 is typing...

dean67: i finished my essay, hopefully its what my professor was looking for

angelcas: I'm sure whatever you wrote was great.

dean67: i worked really hard on it

dean67: i think i'm going out tonight with my friend bauti

dean67: maybe then he'll finally stop bugging me about it

angelcas: just be safe, don't do anything just because bauti wants you to

dean67: i'll be fine cas don't worry about me

dean67 is offline

Dean gets off his phone and looks over at Bauti. "Are you ready yet? You take forever to get ready I swear."
Bauti rolls his eyes. "You could spend more time on your appearance and maybe you'd be getting laid more often like me," he smirks.
"Yeah whatever. I like my look just fine, thank you."
"Wouldn't kill you to wear something besides flannel for once," Bauti mumbles.
"What was that?"
"Huh? Nothing, let's get going," Bauti says.

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