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Castiel stares at his computer in his office. He's grading some papers and debating on whether or not to log onto Skype to see if Dean will message him. Alicia, Castiel's best friend and a math professor, knocks lightly and comes in. "Hey Castiel, thought I'd eat lunch in here with you since I was able to get a second away from my desk," Alicia says in her thick British accent and grins.

Castiel looks up at her and smiles. "Sure, I can take a break."

"So what's been going on with you? You seem like you've had your mind on something," she asks curiously.

"Well there's someone...sort of. I don't know. It's sort of complicated..." he rambles.

"Right well surely you can give me more details than that."

"I've been talking to someone online and he goes here...he's a student. He doesn't know I'm a professor, hell he doesn't even know I'm a boy," Castiel says with a sigh.

"Wow okay, um, how old is he?" she asks with a worried expression.

"He's a senior. So he's an appropriate age. Well I mean I haven't met him yet. I don't even know if I want to. Surely he'll be disappointed when he sees me. Ah what a mess. I wish I could just stop thinking about him."

"He's really got you hooked, huh? Okay well tell me what you know about him, you mentioned that he's a senior and goes here."

"Well his name is Dean and he drives a 1967 Chevy Impala--" 

"Wait, what?" she says cutting him off. "I know who that is. He's in my smaller statistics class. He's always talking about that car during class with another student. Oh gosh what's his last name?" she says trying to remember it. "Oh yes, Winchester. Dean Winchester."

Castiel stares at her completely baffled. He had just met with Dean Winchester. Of course that's the same Dean. It makes perfect sense. "But that means, Dean is my student. The schools policy clearly states--"

"Sounds like you're nine kinds of screwed," Chloe, the science professor, says from the door. She stands there leaning against the door eating a bag of chips. 

"Chloe, how long have you been standing there?" Castiel asks worriedly.

"Long enough to know you're fucked. Don't worry I won't say anything. Just don't let Molly find out or the whole school will know by tomorrow. You may want to shut this door next time you want to have a private conversation by the way," she says and turns to leave. "Oh and one more thing."

"What?" Castiel says, still in complete shock.

"Dean Winchester is hot. You have good taste."

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