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      On Wednesday, Professor Novak is a half hour early to his class since he has a meeting with a student, Dean Winchester. One of his best students. Dean got a failing grade on the last quiz and asked if he could meet up and talk about ways he can improve and possible extra credit. Professor Novak is almost to the classroom with his briefcase in one hand and coffee in the other. He looks down for a moment as a girl trips and falls into him, causing him to spill his coffee on himself. It's another one of his students, Yovi. She gasps. "Shit, I mean uh sorry Professor Novak...I tripped and I uh...sorry," she stutters, her words messy.
Professor Novak nods trying to ignore the burning from the hot coffee. "It's- okay just maybe try not to look at your phone and walk at the same time, alright?" He uses a comforting voice.
She nods and walks away quickly, clearly embarrassed by the encounter. Professor Novak walks in the classroom and closes the door behind him. He's ten minutes early for the ideally planned time they're supposed to meet. To pass the time he opens his briefcase and grabs the spare shirt he has in there for situations like this. He's always prepared because, you never know what can happen on a college campus. He unbuttons his shirt and removes it. Professor pulls the shirt out in front if him and stares at the stains. " This is going to take forever to get out" He says, not hearing the door open behind him.
Dean stares at his Professor not really knowing what to do since he doesn't see him. Dean stands in shock as Professor, tries to use a napkin to dry out the stains. He notices all the muscles in his back. He hadn't realized before but the professor has a really nice body and he's pretty tan also. Dean hadn't really noticed any of these things about a guy before and yet he just keeps staring still not saying anything. Professor Novak starts to put on his fresh shirt, and Dean clears his throat loudly.
Professor turns around after he has buttoned his new shirt and he sees Dean wondering how long he's been standing there. "Oh- uh- Dean. Yes come in. You wanted to speak to me about your quiz right?"
Dean stares for too long then answers, "Oh yeah. Um...not my best work and I think I can do better. I know you hear excuses all the time but--" He's cut off.
"You want to retake the test and you're hoping I can make an exception just this once," Professor Novak says with his arms crossed as if he's heard it a million times before.
"Right...I have a feeling I'm not the first to ask..." he trails off.
"Yes, but you are one of my best students. How about I give you some new quiz questions on the same reading right now and if you do better then I'll replace the grade," Professor Novak says.
"Really? Thank you, Professor."
"Let's do this quiz then shall we?" Professor Novak claps before rummaging his desk for papers.

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