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 (Several months later)

Right after Jungkook woke up, he opened Instagram. He sits up straight and scratches his head. The first thing he does in the morning is posting a picture of Jimin on his fanpage. This cute boy really caught his attention after all and he devotes most of his time and effort to him and the fanpage.  He has a big following after all, which makes him even happier. Furthermore, he is able to share his love to him with everyone. That's right, they should all know how much this cute little bean means to him. Since he heard of him his daily life has improved a lot. Before that he stayed in bed all day. He felt lost and hopeless . Like you're trapped and there is no escape. With this condition comes loneliness and isolation. That's why he stayed home rather than going out with friends. Jungkook didn't want to go anywhere or see anyone.  But in these past months everything changed . He was lucky enough to attend some concerts of BTS. He even attended a fanmeeting and made sure to be remembered by giving Jimin a bouquet of roses. Jimin's cheeks turned a bit pink and he thanked him. Jungkook couldn't utter a word because he was captivated by his beauty. His smile made his heart beat crazy .Kookie couldn't concentrate at all. He suddendly had a reason to go on with his life. Seems like Jimin's existence saved his life. Jungkook didn't know how much his influence could change him. It's almost unbelievable and if he thinks about it, it's also a bit scary. He never met him before ..Yet he plays an important role in his life. " I just admirer him", he wispered to calm himself. But deep down he knew it was more than that, a lot more than that. He needed him and he wanted to see him . But the brown haired boy didn't want to think about that now. He simply doesn't care since it helped him a lot.  After receiving many likes and nice comments, he's satisfied. Someone actually called him the biggest fanboy and he let out a chuckle. Finally he's standing up and getting dressed. Jungkook usually just goes out to buy food but he heard that BTS is staying in a hotel near his apartment. That's why he took a camera with him. He decides to go there even though it's wrong . Seeing them at concerts is great and all but he wants more he wants to meet him again. He needs to see Park Jimin again. He puts his best black pants on and wore his favourite hoodie. Besides that he styled his hair and made sure to smell good. An hour later Jungkook arrives at a park near the hotel and hides behind some trees. Since the secruity is tight around that area, he has to be careful. Finally the members left the hotel. Jungkook follows them and keeps his distance.Today he will try his best to meet him . "He will be mine, Park Jimin is mine", says Jungkook and keeps following him.


Here is Chapter 2 . I hope you enjoyed this one :D Gn I'm tired

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