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He felt a penetrating gaze on him when he walked home

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He felt a penetrating gaze on him when he walked home.
He turned around but there was nothing but darkness.

He fastent his pace as he continued going home. He missed the last train thus he has to walk.

If you look around you, your imagination is allowed to dance around your surroundings, making dead trees and bushes vivid hallucinations.

This is why his eyes were down. If you take in the noises, the smallest crunch of leaves or a snapping branch becomes a terrible beast that wishes only your suffering.

To combat this, his music blared. The only way he got home that night was watching the dim moonlight bouncing

off the rails beside him and drowning out any misconceptions about my surroundings.

Taemin listened to an old russian lullaby. Wait what? He didn picked this. His playlist was on shuffle but he didn't mind and gave it a shot.

Tili Tili Bom 🎶

Close your eyes quickly

Someone's walking by the window

And knocking at the door.

Tili Tili Bom

Can you hear the birds through the night?

He's already made his way into the house

For those who cannot sleep

Hear his steps

He's already

Close 🎶

It’s really a strange feeling to walk at night with not a single light for hundreds of yards.

Sure, the tracks were built along a road, but the road was a good couple hundred feet away.

Homes dotted along the way on one side and cornfields on either side, separating him from the homes on my right.

A minor tree line on either side poorly concealed the railroad and completed the pathway.

Time passed and his way only grew darker. What were once dead trees, empty cornfields, and distant houses became silhouetted with blackness,

and the rails gave off a familiar glow from the moonlight. Taemin could faintly see the tree line in which my home lay.

He had a long way to go. Thoughts filled his head, not of terror or the fear of being jumped by someone, but of the meeting with Jimin.

Who was that freaking jerk who took Jimin with him? Well nevermind he missed the opportunity...
Almost. He was almost home. Another half mile and he was in the clear.

A feeling crept up on him. It was subtle at first, but was becoming ever present with each hallowed step the boy took.

Tili Tili Bom🎶

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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