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"Aish I missed you so much Taemin", Jimin excitedly shouted. He was really happy to see his best friend. They haven't seen each other since Taemin moved away. He moved to a county as which Jimin likes to refer as the "baguette county", yes he meant France. God it has been years since they saw each other. They couldn't stop smiling at each other. Jimin was literally screaming when he got a text message from him That's why he immediatly grabbed his coat and left the house in a hurry. Jungkook had his hands wrapped around the smaller one and it took some time to escape his tight grip. Jimin didn't wake him up. Kook looked very peaceful while sleeping. "What a cutie", he thought. He kissed sleeping Jungkook goodbye and rushed down the stairs. Jin was already up and asked him where he was going before the boy rushed out. Jimin looked extremly happy which made Jin happy too especially since he knew how much Taemin meant to him. This Café was one of souls most popular cafés. It was well known for its variety of flavours and for its quality, as well for the costumer service. Thought it was crowded both of them found a nice comfortable place to sit.

"You haven't changed a bit! Just like your height", the other boy laughed and slapped his knee. What a great srart. Jimin glared at him and pouted. He was a little bit offended but he quickly went back being the happy mochi he normally was. "Though I have to say you get more handsome every time I see", taemin winked at him, making the other slightly blush. "You're flattering me way too much", he giggled and smiled at him.
Taemin grabbed his hand and kissed it. He was really extra that's basically what he was known for. Jimin quickly put his hand away and yelled at him. "Stop it!", he responded but this didn't stop Taemin. Well to the other costumers they looked like a cute fresh couple by the way they were acting. "Soo how is your love life going?", Taemin raised his eyebrows in a funny manner and crept closer to the other boy. Oh god why is he like this. "You're way too curious", Jimin moved a bit to the right and pinched his cheek. "I am your friend I have the right to know that!", he grabbed Jimin's phone and looked at it. Jimin's faced was flushed, knowing the content on his phone. Once he sees his messages it will be clear."Hey give it back!", Jimin yelled and desperately tried to get it from the other. His friend is such a brat some times.

I can't belive what I am seeing. Jungkook gritted his teeth and balled his hand into a fist. What was this boy doing with HIS Jimin? They look way too comfortable with each other. He just arrived and already has to put up with this mess. And ugh he had the audacity to kiss his hand. The hand of HIS man. My god Jungkook had a hard time keeping a cool head. He would like to go to them and drag his boyfriend away from this pest.
Didn't Jimin love him anymore? Why is he hiding their meeting. It bothered Jungkook a lot and he swallowed hard, seeing how close they were. Who is this tall man. He didn't want ti admit it but he sure was handsome. "God I wish he could just disappear", jungkook thought. There's no excuse for touching his property without his approval. God he will pay for this. Jimin definetly disliked him. I mean why would he hide it?..

"I really like him", Jimin ears were read and he finally grabbed his phone. He quickly closed all apps and put his phone away. Taemin gave him a spechless expression but it turned into a dorky one. "My god my friend is getting some good succ-", Jimin punched him harder this time. God this boy really can't behave. It definitely attracted some attention and some people glanced over to them. "Ouch that hurt!", Taemin pouted. He sure was a brat but it was just a joke.

"You deserved that".

"Not cool man, not cool".

"He looks absolutly gorgeous! Mind sharing him with me?", Taemin asked.
Jimin's expression was blank.

"What of course not he's my boyfriend!" The shorter one yelled, his ears were already red.

"I am joking, calm down calm down... thought I would definetly date him".


"Ahh don't hit me jiminie-"

The situation was clear to Jungkook.
It looked like Taemin was clearly flirting to his Jimin. He was probably talking about how gorgeous Jiminie looked. "This fcking bastard", he thought. He was outside the café with his bucket hat and glared at them. God this made Jimin so sick.

" Hot damn he's definitely a keeper", Taemin kept talking about jungkook. Look at them juicy thighs. He unconsciously licked his lips.

"I swear to god If you don't shut up-".
Jimin's patience was almost gone. This "joke"isn't funny anymore.

"Calm down angry mochi I'm joking".

Yeah he hasn't changed a bit. Taemin's sense of humour is dry like a british biscuit and his jokes are tasteless. A little smile crept up his lips, knowing that this dork didn't change.
Suddenly he grabbed Jimin's hands and leaned into him. "You can't let our bromance die though".
He was immediately shoved away and Jimin made sure to hurt him this time.
He glared at him and was ready to kill this prick he called his best friend.
"This was worth it", Taemin whispered.

10 minutes passed and Jungkook was still stalking them like there was no tomorrow. He wasn't moving at all, you could've mistaking him as a tree. He was motionless and he wore green.

"Okay it was time to go!", Chim thought and made an attempt to stand up.
"Hey Taemin I-".
Jimin was cut off and his eye rapidly widen. His body tensed and he was completely motionless. They caught the attention of eveyone in the café and their expressions were shocked.


He tried to push away the other's chest but it didnt help at all.
Did Taemin just kiss him?
"Are you fcking insane?", Jimin yelled this time and stepped back to have some distance. His body was shaking and his heart was beating fast. He was in shook. "This how we say goodbye in french", the other male simply shrugged but his dark orbs were filled with desire. He went closer to the other.

"Jimin.. I missed you a lot I am-".

Suddenly the Jimin was dragged away. Taemin was left behind. He wanted to say something but he he didn't after he saw the familiar face. Jimin turned around and tried to escape this tight grip. "What are you-.... No way.
This is not happening. Jimin prayed that he didn't saw what just happened but reality is proving him wrong.
"Wait I can expl-".

"Shut up".


"Don't call me like that".

Jungkook dragged him away with force and didn't mind how much attention he attracted. It didnt matter at all. How could Jimin let that happen. There's no apology for that. He was still holding his wrist with a strong grip. They were approaching a black car. Jungkook's car to be exact.

"Jungkook why-".
" I said shut up", his cold voice, made Jimin shudder.
Kook threw him mercilessly at the backseat and sat at the driver seat".
"Oww.. ,Jungkook!"

"Don't you dare to call me like that!".
"I am your master, you're not worthy to call me Jungkook-ah you naughty boy".
Jimin swallowed hard. "Master..?", what the hell was Kook thinking.
Jungkook started the car and drove away. But they weren't heading to the normal adress where the other hyungs lived. It was the opposite direction.

Taemin saw how the car drove away. He cussed under his breath and left the café. What he, Jimin nor Jungkook knew was that someone was watching them...
Taemin went to the left, not being aware of the fact that he was being followed.

[4:10 pm]
Lee Taemin... you're next

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