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We entered the restaurant and everyone sat down. Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin sat together and V, Jungkook, Jimin and Jhope sat across them. Everybody starred at the menu and picked one. After they ordered their food the boys talked with each other and asked some basic question to become closer to Jungkook. He was looking at Jimin when suddenly someone poked him on the side. Jungkook got surprised and turned to the right. It was Kim Taehyung. "Whoa you have some really toned arms", he said while he was touching kookies arms. " uhh thank you", kookie replied and smiled at him. V smiled back and put an arm around his shoulder, pulling kookie closer to him. "Thank you for helping out Jimin Hyung", Tae said and everyone nodded in agreement. "Soo kookie what are you doing in your free time", Yoongi asked curiously. " I really like to dance and sing", Kookie answered.
"Ohh cool please show us how good you sing", Jhope demanded.
Kook wanted to say something but Jin interrupted him. "No need to feel shy", he cheered as if he could read Jungkook's thoughts.

Jungkook's POV

"Alright", I said and took my phone out. I put we don't talk anymore by  Charly Puth on and prepared myself.

I closed my eyes and started singing. The whole time it was quite and I didn't notice that people were starring at me. After I was finished singing the six boys just starred at me and everyone in this restaurant too. Suddenly people started to applause and smiled at me.

"Oh my god", Namjoon uttered. "Are you kidding us, Yoongi bursted out. " I bet he can dance pretty well too", Jimin smirked and elbowed Jungkook sliglty on the side. Kookie smiled back at Jimin and felt really good because he impressed him. And that's the only thing that matters. "Please don't tell me that you're going to waste that talent", Hobi almost threatened me. "Actually I want to join a group and I already auditioned they will get back at me today", Kookie said.
" That's really cool maybe someday we'll perform together", Jimin laughed. "Haha one day", kookie responded and smiled.
There it was again.
Jungkook grinned, but there was something sinister hidden behind his seemingly harmless smile.
Something is going on.
"If you knew", Jungkook thought.
The waitress brought the food and everyone started to eat.
" So besides dancing and singing, you also like to take pictures right ?", Jin asked curiously. " What?", was Jungkook's first thought. But Jin pointed at his camera, which was between V and Kook. "Wow please show me some pictures", V demanded and took the camera. "I - I can't", Jungkook responded and tried to get it back.
His hands started to sweat and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. A small lump had formed in his stomach and he felt sick. 
"Why not", V said and turned the camera on. "I bet they are pretty good.
He turned to the left while Jungkook was desperately trying to get the camera. He couldn't breath, it felt as if someone was choking him. His heart was racing and he was scared. Scared to be found out. His plan would fail. No he can't fail now after all this was his only chance. If they see all the pictures of Jimin... it would be really bad. "No no I beg you", Jungkook almost screamed. "Jungkook is everything okay", Jimin tugged at his jacket. "Ahh finally", V said after he turned it on. But after V looked at the camera his expression went blank...

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