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Jungkook's POV

Alright there are the other members of the group. Therefore I have to act really nice so that they'll like me. After all this is my only chance and I can't mess this up. I have to make Jimin mine and I will do everything that's necessary to do so. Some might think that I'm crossing the line but I simply don't care. With him I'll be able to feel all these things. I can be happy and everything. I love Park Jimin and I need him more than anybody. I'm willing to do everything even if I have to manipulate him. I will go this far if nececarry.
I was walking towards the others and smiled at them, while I was carrying some stuff. They all looked at me strange and spoke with each other.
I wasn't aware of my facial expression.
That's why Jimin probably thought  that I looked worried. But I wasn't worried about the others I was worried about how to make him mine.
But Jimin gave me a reassuring smile, which made me confident. Well to be real he probably thought that I was really shy although I had some guts to confront him. He still doesn't know how much I adore him yet. Hmm I have to impress him with my charm. Because I knew damn well that nobody could resist my smile and that's why I smiled back at him.

Jimin's POV

Aishh carrying those things make me exhausted. Why do I have to do this. Well at least I have this really nice boy who's helping me out. I glanced at him. Is he really the boy who gave me the bonquet of roses?
He already was cute but now he even looked better. So much better that I couldn't recognise him first. But he also seems really sweet since he's helping me out instead of just asking for a picture. I noticed him looking at the other members. He looked worried so I gave him a nice smile. Therefore he looked back at me and gave me also a smile. A really cute one to be precise. I chuckled.

"I'm back", Jimin said to the other members put the bags on the ground.
" Finally", V shouted and jumped up and down. " You took ages", Namjoon replied. "Well you could at least helped me but you know what that doesn't matter anymore since Jungkook helped me", Jimin bragged and looked up to his new friend. He already considers Kookie as a friend. "He remembered my name ....", Jungkook was really surprised and just laughed. "Oh hi Jungkook I'm not sure if you know us but I'm yoongi, the one jumping around is Taehyung, this is Hoseok, Jin And that's Namjoon", Yoongi replied and pointed I'm each member separately. Jungkook bowed to him to show his respect. "No need to bow haha thanks for helping our Hyung", Jin replied.
"Okay let's put the bags in the car so we can go to a nice restaurant and eat", Namjoon said.
"YESSSS", tae screamed. "And since Jungkook helped us he'll be coming with us", Jimin added. "Ah thank you guys",Jungkook uttered shyly.
They all went to the car and put the bags there.

Jungkook's POV
Finally they asked me to come with them. Now I can get closer to Jimin. Mhh I should probably try to get closer to the others too since they asked me out. Being Friends with everyone will after all benefit me and I can gain their trust.

Jungkook grinned, but there was something sinister hidden behind his seemingly harmless smile.
I think this is the longest chapter so far. I'm trying not to rush this story.
What do you guys think?
I hoped you liked it ;w;♡

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