Chapter Three- Mine And Yours

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Beyoncés Pov

I sat up slowly and looked around, this wasn't my apartment. Then I remembered last night and grimaced. Someone knocked on the door and slowly opened it, Michael stood there wearing a red button down and slacks. "Beyoncé?" His eyes widened and he walked into the room. He sat on the bed and traced my cheek. "He hurt you" I looked away quickly and felt a pull in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't hold it back and leaned over the side of the bed vomiting.

Michael rubbed my back until I stopped. "Oh boy, you can use the shower if you want. There's some of my sisters clothes in the closet... I'm just gonna go get someone to clean this up" he pulled a disgusted face and ran out of the room. I sighed, embarrassed and decided to take up his offer. I haven't felt this gross in a looong time.

When I opened the closet I felt bad for taking his sisters clothes. They were all so beautiful! I pulled out something that I didn't totally recognise and the most casual thing which was a white suit. Damn this girl has taste. I grunted and walked into the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. I got undressed quickly and gasped at my reflection. I was gaining weight, I stepped on the scale and frowned 4 pounds heavier.

"Beyoncé are you okay?" Michael asked knocking on the bathroom door. "I'm fine just gimme a second" I finished buttoning up my blazer and opened it. He smiled and handed me a little white pill with some apple juice. I shook my head and stared at him. "What do you think? I'm trying to poison you? It's for nausea, my nurse recommended it" I continued staring him down while I took the pill and jumped back on the bed. "Lord kill me now!" Michael chuckled and sat on the edge of the bed. I twisted my lips in thought and sat up smiling at him. "What? Do I have something on my face?" He asked wiping it quickly.

"Michael Jackson" I said getting closer to him until we were just inches apart. "Uh huh" he bit his lip and started blushing deeply. I smiled again and grabbed him by the collar falling back on the sheets as our lips connected in a powerful kiss. Michael placed his hands on my hips and my hands got caught in his long curly hair. I groaned loudly feeling a hard object rubbing on the inside of my thigh, he was big I could feel it. I never wanted this feeling to stop but he pulled away panting. "We can't do this" Michael shook his head and climbed off the bed, straightening out his clothes. "Why? Don't tell me because you're dating Brooke Shields that's BS"

Michael didn't look at me and just walked out of the room. I huffed loudly and fell on the bed again. What is going on with him?? I laid on the bed thinking about it for the longest time. I wanted him so much but why? I'd never felt like this before. "Miss Knowles?" Someone in a uniform was standing at the door waiting on me. "Yes?" I stood up and walked to him confused. "Mr Jackson has a car waiting for you downstairs" I raised an eyebrow at him and sighed. What was Michael up to? I followed him and found out that Michael made me a doctors appointment after what happened with Jay.

Michael's Pov

I was sat on a bench in the music room. I still couldn't believe that Beyoncé kissed me this morning. I wanted her to but... I sighed and started pressing random keys on the piano. I couldn't deal with this, it was killing me. "Reaching out, to touch a stranger electric eyes are everywhere. See that girl she knows I'm watching. She likes the way I stare..."

"Hey" I span around falling off the seat and hissing in pain. Beyoncé ran to me and crouched down touching my ankle. "It needs ice" she said helping me up. I limped into the kitchen with her help and sat on a chair. I looked at my ankle again and whimpered, it was swollen and bruised. "Here" Beyoncé gave me a packet of peas and put it on the spot. "Um thanks" she nodded and sat on the chair next to me staying silent. The room was quiet for a couple of minutes until I built up the courage to apologise "I'm sorry Bey".

"Uh..." she looked at me confused and didn't drop the look that said she didn't know what I was talking about. "It was unexpected y'know- the kiss" i paused awkwardly looking away thinking what to say next. "I have to plan so much, my every move. You were right about me and Brooke. It's all fake and when it happened... I had to work things out in my head first. If I could go there but I do really like you" Beyoncé grabbed my face and pressed her lips against mine. This kiss was different desperately romantic. The one you would see whenever the guy couldn't get the girl but they both wanted it so badly. We separated for air and Bey leaned against me having basically sat on me during the kiss. "You don't have to explain, just be mine" she whispered emotionally. I nodded rubbing her back with my free hand. "You're mine, always"

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