Chapter Twelve: Labour Pain

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8th November, 1991

Beyonces Pov

I sat down in the wheely chair behind Michael's desk. I was in his home recording studio but of course he didn't know that or he'd throw a damn fit. I spun around feeling instant regret and clutched my stomach. So far the worst thing about this pregnancy was the nausea. I caught a glimpse of myself in the recording booths reflective mirrors and readjusted my cardigan and lacy pyjamas. A small but noticeable baby bump was there staring back at me. I looked away and shuffled through some of the songs I had been writing over the last couple months. I couldn't keep my eye off of one that I didn't even want to admit I liked. The experienes I went through that inspired it were still so raw.

But what about what I told Michael? I was ready for the truth to come out. I grabbed the paper and walkred to the microphone. Everything was set up to record so I was going to record something.

"I wish I could look in your eyes
And tell you how I feel right now inside
Baby, I know that it's real (real)
So real, so real, so real....

Do you remember our first kiss?
It wasn't long enough
Remember the first time we spent those weeks together
They were not long enough
All of our conversations
All of your sweet pages
They're never long enough... mmm"

I stopped reading my messy hand writing and turned around to edit the recording but Michael was there."Boy don't go scaring me like that!" I yelled, walking past him. He grabbed me around the waist and spun me around but before I could ask why. He pulled me in for the most passionate kiss any man had ever given me. I gasped for air and grinned out of pure love and pleasure.

"Make me yours" I whispered breathlessly.

4th November, 1991

I slammed the baby name book I was reading down and huffed. I hadn't seen Michael since last night when we were doing... Well you know, the nasty. I chewed the inside of my cheek and frowned.

I know that I'm supposed to be on bed rest but I was already crazy bored. I switched the tv on and started watching the news. "And in other news, Michael Jackson has been spotted leaving his dermatologists office with an unknown woman. It's been speculated that she is his girlfriend and" I shut the tv off and gritted my teeth. "That son of a bitch!" I picked up the baby names book and threw it at the wall. "Fuck..." why would I even think he wanted me back. That player was getting with every girl he could.

Michaels Pov

I opened the front doors for Debbie and she walked into the living room. "Who the fuck are you? Get out before I kick your ass!" I ran into the next room and saw Beyoncé screaming at Debbie. "Bey calm down!" I yelled and as gently as I could, held her back. "You can't say shit Michael. This whore is your side hoe ain't she?" She demanded. "What are you talking about Bey?" I asked. She was confusing the crap out of me. "Don't act like you don't know," "KNOW WHAT?" I shouted, losing my patience with her.

"SHIT" she shouted back, grasping her stomach and falling on her knees. "I think I'm having contractions" she whispered. "What!?" I crouched down next to Beyonce and placed my hand on her stomach. "You're supposed to be on bedrest." "I know..." she whispered with tears in her eyes.

"How far along are you?" Debbie interrupted getting a death glare from Bey. "About 3 months" she muttered. "Hmm I have a feeling but you need to go to hospital" she suggested. "And who the fuck are you to tell ME what to do?" She retorted before wincing in pain. "Beyonce calm down please. She's a nurse." I took the initiative to pick Bey up bridal style and carry her out to the car.

"I hope he's okay" she croaked, crying out in pain and frustration. "He'll be fine" I kissed her on the forehead and smiled weakly. "You'll see."

Beyonce lied down on the hospital bed and relaxed a bit as a nurse injected her with some pain medication. "Oh that feels so much better" she mumbled. "Miss Knowles" a doctor walked into the room with a wide smile. "You're test results have come back all normal. It looks like you were having some braxton hicks. In other words fake labor to prepare you for the real thing. I just need to do an ultrasound and then you can go" he explained cheerfully. "Great" she said slowly. She was in some sort of a daze from the medication but I didn't know why. "Doc why is she so..." "relaxed?" He asked, finishing my question. Although that wasn't exactly how I was going to put it. "Yeah" I said scratching the back of my neck.

"There was a Benzodiazepine in there to help her calm down." I widened my eyes at him and my mouth dropped a little. "Don't worry Mr Jackson. The one we used is completely safe for pregnant women." He assured me. I nodded and sighed in relief.

"Now how about we take a look at the baby?" He said picking up the ultrasound machine probe. "Miss Knowles can you please lift your shirt up so I can start?" He asked. She mumbled something about the baby and lifted her tight shirt up to reveal a small baby bump. He squirted some gel onto her stomach and placed the probe down, moving it around until he found a heartbeat.

Beyonce's Pov

I looked up at the screen and suddenly heard a whooshing noise. "There we go" the doctor said with a smile. I glanced over my shoulder at Michael and he looked away. My face fell and I looked back at the screen, at my beautiful baby. "Hmm" the doctor pulled a face at the screen and rubbed his chin. "Is everything okay?" I asked, all my anxiety suddenly rushing back.
"Yes everything is fine, it's just..." he paused moving the probe around a little. "I believe you're further along than we realized" he admitted. I gasped and gulped nervously. "How much further?" I asked.

"I'd say you're around 5 months along."

To be continued.....

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