Chapter Fourteen; I Just Can't Stop Loving You

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Authors Note

Hi all,

I'm sorry I haven't updated any of my books lately, life's been.... busy.

I just moved out for the first time and I'm learning to adjust to being 100% responsible for looking after myself. I used to have A LOT of help.

Anyway I'm getting off track. I couldn't go without updating today. June 25th might be one of the saddest days of the year for the last 9 years but I want to be able to try and lift y'alls spirits ❤

So heres a much awaited chapter update. Don't forget to pray for Michael and his forever peace. We love you love lives forever...

Michael's Pov

"Yeah I think we should do it.. uh huh I'll tell Beyonce tonight." I opened the front door to Neverland and dropped my bag on an armchair. I looked up and saw Bey asleep on the couch. "Hey can I call you back later? Yeah I know... Frank I will" I huffed and dropped my phone on the chair too. I walked over to the couch and sat by Beys feet. "Baby" "mmm" she groaned rolling onto her side. "C'mon you gotta get in bed. Don't sleep out here" I said. I rubbed up and down her arm but she just shrugged me off.

"Alright I didn't want to have to do this" I said as a mischievous thought crossed my mind. I stood up and gently picked her up then threw her over my shoulder. "MICHAEL!!!"

I laughed and jogged up the stairs as she hit my back impatiently. I put her down at the top of the stairs and smiled. "Whyd you do that?! I was sleeping." She hollered. "Well now you're not. Go get ready for dinner." I instructed her before pecking her on the cheek and running back downstairs.

Beyonces Pov

Grrr! Why do I even like that boy? He drives me crazy I swear! I turned on my heels and stormed to the bedroom. I ain't getting ready for dinner, I'm going back to bed!!

3 hours later

"Babyyy" I heard Michael calling me again but I wasn't getting up for him. No way in hell!!!

"Each time the wind blows
I hear your voice so
I call your name
Whispers at morning
Our love is dawning
Heaven's glad you came" dammit if I could ever resist his angelic voice, I'd be dead. I rolled onto my back and looked up into his pure brown eyes. "How do you do that?" I whispered, grinning up at him. "Do what?"

"Win me over every time." I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him down to me, our lips colliding into a passionate kiss. "I just have the magic touch" he whispered before pulling back and walking out of the room.

I walked down the staircase and saw Michael waiting in the foyer. "Beyonce you look amazing." I blushed and hugged him. "You treat me like such a queen... Even after everything that's happened, I don't deserve you."

"Beyonce look at me." He cupped my face and stared deep into my eyes. "What?" I asked. I felt like I was in some sort of a trance. "Nothing that has happened had anything to do with you. I was a fool for treating you the way I did and I never want to lose you again. You mean the world to me baby and if I didn't have you or the blessing of 3 beautiful children on the way..." he paused, moving one of his hands down to my baby bump. "I'd have nothing." I sniffed, trying so hard not to let any tears escape.

"So Beyonce please make me the most blessed man in the world and marry me." He finished and pulled a jewelry box from his pant pocket. I gasped, feeling a wave of shock go through me like nothing I had ever felt before and nodded like a bobblehead. "Of course I'll marry you Michael. I love you with all my heart." He grinned from ear to ear and opened the box, revealing a diamond encrusted ring.

"No... you didn't. Michael this must have cost you a fortune! I can't take it" I said as tears ran down my face. "Beyonce. Please stop crying and just put the ring on." I wiped my tears away frantically and nodded again, putting my hand out. He slipped the ring on and kissed me.

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