Chapter Seven VMAs (Part Two) I Still Need You

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Beyoncé: "Two minutes Beyoncé!!" "Wait your hair needs another clip" "here miss Knowles!" Someone pat my face with powder making me cough. "Will y'all calm down?" I yelled. I leaned over and picked up a bottle of water taking a few sips. "You need to be backstage Miss" my assistant, Lola pointed out. i sighed and pulled on a silk robe and walked out of my personal dressing room. I could see a few other people around and the blood drained from my face when I saw his name. MICHAEL JACKSON was printed on a gold star nearby. The door started opening and I ran down the hall before I could see who it was.

I got backstage and pulled the robe off and handed it to a stagehand. "Boy what am I doing?"

Michael: I smiled at Brooke and kissed her on the cheek. I could feel the cameras on me taking all the photos they could get. I leaned back and swallowed hard, this is all for my baby.

"He's always laughing And flirting with me" I flinched hearing that voice, the deep vocals and individuality I couldn't mistake for anyone else. I looked up at the stage and saw Beyoncé standing in the centre holding a microphone. My blood pumped but my heart went cold. I had nothing left for that girl but I couldn't help staring.

"And you act like you don't even care. As a matter of fact
You've been real distant lately. Acting like i'm not even there. He says that you
Don't deserve a girl like me
I'm starting to think that he's right baby" I clenched my hands in anger. How could she talk about me like that?! I saved her ass! I could feel myself fuming inwardly and couldn't help but to show it a little by crossing my arms and glaring at her with daggers. How can someone be so ignorant and stupid?

Beyoncé: I was staring at Michael while I was singing. I wrote this for him so he needed to hear it. He crossed his arms and even through all of the stage lights and commotion I could see it. That look he was giving me wasn't what I wanted. I closed my eyes and held them like that for a good ten seconds. "Stop the music!" The crowd gasped and I felt instant tears pouring down my face. I ran off stage and told someone what I needed to do, I might pay for it later but I didn't have a choice if I was going to get through to this man. I ran back onstage and gripped the microphone real tight.

"I'm sorry 'bout that but this award isn't worth it. Not if I don't have the man I need in my life to make it worth it. You know who you are and... I love you. I'm sorry for what I did just please don't be mad no more-" I broke off for a second as the tears overwhelmed me and hiccuped. "-I wrote this for you baby"

I took a few deep breaths and looked at Michael. He had a poker face on and I didn't know what he was thinking... " Remember those walls I built. Well, baby, they're tumbling down And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make a sound. I found a way to let you win But I never really had a doubt. Standing in the light of your halo... I got my angel now"

Later that night

I didn't want to be here anymore. Lord I'd like to fall in a hole and disappear more than anything. Everyone kept looking at me and I even saw someone laugh. I guess I should've expected that. I just put my heart on the line for everyone to see. Michelle was completely ignoring me and Kelly didn't seem right either. I pretty much just stabbed them both in the back. I couldn't have messed up more.

I went backstage for a touchup but I still looked like hell and Kelly was trying her best to help me without making it obvious I was pregnant. I blew my nose and cursed, I'd had enough. "I'm going home" I announced standing up and grabbing my clutch. "What? You can't just leave in the middle of the VMAs!" Kelly whisper yelled pulling me back down. "Says who?" I snapped back. Michelle was about to answer but the music interrupted her.

"Go on girl!" I saw Michael run onstage and start dancing. He laughed and smiled down at the crowd. "Can I get Brooke up here?" He asked pointing at someone in the wings. She came running out in costume and Michael chased her across the stage. I gaped at him in shock and felt tears prick at my eyes. "Hey pretty baby with the high heels on
You give me fever. Like I've never, ever known!"

I dropped everything in my tracks and ran backstage. "Why is he getting to me like this? It's not me! I'm just so confused" I ranted as I rubbed my makeup off. "Beyoncé you're pregnant, it's all in the territory" Kelly said handing me another wipe. I rolled my eyes and pulled my hair up messily. "I'm done caring! He's not worth it..." I mumbled grabbing some clothes and heading towards the bathroom. "I beg to differ" I snapped my eyes to Michelle while she was casually admiring her nails. She looked up at me and shook her head. "It's pretty obvious he's worth it to you Bey! You just yelled it to the rooftops 'oh Michael I'm sorry, take me back Michael' I'm sick of it. He. Don't. Want. You! And why should you be sorry in the first place?!" She hit the lounge arm and stepped towards me before I slammed the door shut.

I got dressed in something random not caring what I looked like and opened the bathroom door. "Kel?" I dropped the dirty dress and turned around to see Michael sitting on the couch.

"What are you doing here?"


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