Chapter Four- Sweet Dreams or A Beautiful Nightmare

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15th October, 1991

Beyoncés Pov

It'd been two weeks... two damn weeks! And Michael still didn't know, I was pregnant with Jays baby. Every time I tried telling him was bad, he was busy in the studio finishing his album. I sat on a lounge chair outside in my bikini and sipped some of my virgin piña colada. The sun was amazing today and I was ready to soak it up by the pool. "Hello! Anyone home?!" I sat up and slipped my sunglasses off looking at the back door. Someone came running out so quickly my head was spinning. "Michael?" I turned around and saw Whitney Houston sit on one of the lounge chairs.

"Oh boy look at that growing baby bump, who's the daddy?" She gushed smiling widely. "Umm" I looked away awkwardly staring at the ground. "You mind getting me a pink lemonade darl? I'm just waiting for Michael" I shook my head silently as the tension started between us. "What? You do work here don't you?" "Um nah" I whispered grabbing my flowy sundress and quickly slipping into it ready to bolt inside from embarrassment when I heard that familiar voice. "Hellooo!" Michael jogged outside over to us and tackled me in a hug. "There's my beautiful baby" he smiled twirling me around. I smiled back and pecked him on the lips. "Hey baby" I whispered shyly ducking into his chest. "Why are you being shy all of a sudden?" Whitney cleared her throat and I took that opportunity to run inside.

I ran upstairs to my bedroom and shut the door. My phone vibrated on the bed with Kelly's name on it and I picked it up quickly. "Bey where've you been?" She hollered over a loud background. "What are ya talking about Kel?" I asked sitting on the bed and playing with one of my curls. "We had a recording session an hour ago" I gulped looking at the clock. 2:43pm I shook my head and stared into space. "I'm sorry Kelly it's just-" I was cut off by an obnoxious knock at the door and someone barging in. I flipped my phone shut automatically and smiled sarcastically at Whitney who sat on a chair by the door. "Do you need something Miss Houston?" I asked impatiently staring at her. "You haven't told him. Why?" She pointed at my stomach accusingly and frowned at me. "I don't think that's any of your business. You don't even know what you're talking about" I muttered rubbing my stomach protectively. "You didn't tell him, did you?" I asked quickly realising she might say something to Michael. Whitney snickered standing up "maybe I should have" and she walked out. "Oh by the way the three of us are having lunch together at 3" "oh goody" I whispered to myself walking to the closet.

I hesitated looking at the clothes I'd bought in the last two weeks. Nothing could easily hide the bump I had growing so fast. Why was I putting my poor baby through this nightmare? I got changed into a red v neck dress with a loose bottom and slipped on some black pumps. My hair was going everywhere in its long knotty glory so I pinned it up in a bun and put some light make up on. The clock was ticking and I wasn't oblivious that it had just hit 3:15. Maybe she was lying to me, I already didn't like that girl. "Knock knock"

I looked up and smiled when Michael entered the room. "There's my princess" he said hugging me. I couldn't help but blush when he did that, with this man around I felt like a princess. "My prince is finally here" I replied kissing him deeply. "It's only been 15 minutes!" "You don't get it" I smiled walking to the door. "M'lady" Michael offered me his arm I accepted it walking out joyfully.

Later that night...

I tossed and turned thinking about today's lunch and the pregnancy. Michael seemed so oblivious to the fact that something was wrong, even with Whitney being so slick with her comments. I sat up and groaned it was so late and I didn't want to sleep alone tonight. I slipped on a loose sweater and walked into the hallway to go see Michael. His room was on the other side of the house and that was a long way. I bit my lip and scurried through the mansion the dark was starting to freak me out. I finally got to Michael's room and found the door open a small crack. I knocked quietly and walked inside. "Michael" he wasn't downstairs so I walked in the adjoining bathroom. It was empty but still wet from him having a shower. I could smell his cologne and aftershave that I loved so much. I sighed in defeat and stepped to leave the room but slipped on a wet tile and fell. "Ow!!" My hand started throbbing and I saw a big gash on it from a razor that I'd knocked off the counter.

"Beyoncé?" Michael walked in wearing a white v neck and checked red pyjama pants. His hair was down and wet from the shower and he looked totally confused. "Yeah" "what are you doing in here and at 4 in the morning?" He asked me walking in further. I opened my mouth and closed it again when I felt my hand throb making me hiss in pain. "What did you do?" Michael crouched down and grabbed my wrist before I could hide it. "Beyoncé! Let me help you" he scolded me helping me up. I just stayed quiet while he rummaged through the cabinets and pulled out some gauze pads. He picked up a white towel and I bit my tongue to stop from telling him off for using it to clean up blood. He put pressure on the cut and cut his eyes at me for a split second while he did first aid on my hand. "Done" he announced dropping my hand carelessly and turning around walking into the bedroom. "What's up with you?" I followed him into the bedroom and upstairs where he got into bed. "Go back to bed Bey" "I'm no baby don't treat me like one little boy" Michael cut his eyes at me again and sat up. "What do you want?" He said yawning. I crossed my arms and looked around in defeat. "I just wanted to sleep with my boyfriend, is that too much to ask?" Michael scoffed and pursed his lips. "Not at all come here" he opened his arms and gestured for me to get in the bed with him. I smiled weakly and jumped in hugging him until I fell asleep.

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