Chapter 1

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Hey there, stranger. Welcome to my fanfiction about One Direction. Every time I read the first few chapters I cringe at myself becuase I realize how awful they sound. But please, give me a chance. I swear it gets better (:

I'll  be editing this as soon as I get it finished so don't worry your pretty little mind if you see gramatical/spelling errors. I suck at spelling. And Word doesn't help. Damn auto-correct. Anwyways, enjoy the story and don't forget to commen/vote.

-Sarah xx

                Holding his hand, feeling your heart beat like crazy, dancing to slow music with no one around. Yeah, this must be love.

If you can physically hold your posters’ hands or dance with them. That’s what my cardboard cut outs are for. That’s right, I’m a Directioner. Oh, spell-check, don’t you tell me that’s spelled wrong. I’m a proud Directioner and I know it. I haven’t been here since X-Factor but I’ll be here ‘til the very end. I haven’t met them but I will. Oh, I will.

                My parents are always mad at me because I spend all my time obsessing over 1D. Like right now? I’m supposed to be studying for my finals. I have my Spanish final and my math final tomorrow. But what am I supposed to do? I can’t neglect my Twitter followers! They need to hear funny, cute things from me about our favorite boy band! It’s a week until I got to their concert and I’ve got a whole plan devised to meet them.

                First, I’ll arrive at the concert venue at precisely 5 o’clock in the morning to beat the other fans. Then, I’ll sneak past the guards to their dressing room and wait for them to arrive. I know a girl who knows a girl who thinks she can get me in. I’ll hide behind a sofa in their dressing room until they get there and then I’ll… well, I haven’t officially thought this part through yet. I mean, it’s my dream to meet them for God knows how long now.

                Maybe I’ll ummm… Maybe I’ll be like, Louis! Louis! Sign my boob! No wait, that’d be weird. No, maybe I’ll have Niall sign my bra and Zayn sign my underwear. No! Still too weird! I don’t want to freak them out or anything. Maybe Harry would sign my… NO!  Maybe I’ll just be normal and be like, OMG I’m your number one fan! Sign my poster? But on the inside I’ll be like, sign my body. Please anywhere! I just got to stay cool and not freak out. God, this is going to be impossible. How can I NOT freak out?? It’s One freaking Direction! They’re like my religion. I listen to them all day and then I go home and tweet about them. They’re my life.

                But… best of all… they make me feel special. They let me believe that I’m lighting up their world like nobody else, that they have moments with me, and that they want to love me more than this. I just want a guy to love me like that. I mean, for gosh sake’s I’m almost 18 years old! Yeah, I’ve had a few boyfriends but I staying single in case a certain member of 1D falls in love with me. You know how it feels. I just want them so badly, but all these other girls want them too! It’s crazy…

                Right in the middle of posting a really hot picture of my boys on Tumblr I gently fell asleep staring into their eyes before I dramatically passed out from exhaustion on the desk.


“LEAH! IF YOU DON’T GET UP RIGHT NOW, YOUR GOING TO BE LATE TO SCHOOL! AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT TODAY IS?? FINALS! I KNOW YOU DIDN’T STUDY YOUNG LADY! IF YOU FAIL OUT OF YOUR VERY LAST YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL ALL YOUR COLLEGE MONEY’S GOING TOWARDS A SPA ROOM AND YOU WON’T BE ALOUD TO USE IT!” My delightful mother screamed at me from the bottom of the stairs. I groggily pull my face off my desk from my computer and quickly change into a t-shirt and jeans as quick as I could while jamming stuff into my bag. I ran out the door with a bagel in my mouth and car keys in hand, my bag precariously on my shoulder about to split open from all the text books I was supposed to study from.

                I quickly opened the door, threw my bag into the passenger’s seat and jammed my keys into the ignition. My rust bucket of a car made an icky gurgling and after a minute of praying and trying over and over again, the car made a rumbling and started. I punched the gas, shutting the door and still trying to eat that bagel. I only live ten minutes away from school, but school started in about fifteen minutes. That meant I had about five minutes to go to my locker and get to first period.

 Which is about… not enough time. I opened the flap of my messenger bag and checked the filled contents to see if I had my biology book with me. Thank the lord, I did! That means I can skip the locker trip and go straight to class. I might just make it on time!

I’m pulling into the parking lot thinking, this is it. Something is going to go right. I actually make it to the parking lot all right. I’m inside the building and I’m running up the stairs when –RIP- my bag splits open and my books fall everywhere. Being the klutz that I am, the bag pulled my backwards and I tumbled down the stairs. When I got up, I pushed my black cloud of curls back behind my ears and quickly gathered my stuff. I had about three minutes and really needed to hurry.

I ran to up two more flight of stairs and walked in the classroom out of breath with books clutched to my chest and my hair everywhere. I sat down to avoid more embarrassment, knowing how bad I must look. I pulled my hair back into a bun and relaxed into the back of my seat. My best friend Mandy poked me in the back. “Where were you this morning?”

“I’m sorry, I overslept.” I said with a guilty smile.

“Well, guess what I heard?” She flashed me a bright grin.

“What did you hear?” I asked dramatically.

“One Direction’s gonna come here this weekend!” We’ve had this thing going on for months now counting down the days. She’s a really big fan too but she can’t come with me in my master plan. She has to work until the concert and then we’re meeting up. She promises she won’t be too jealous if I can get her an autograph.

“Yup and we’re gonna get to meet them with this amazing plan of mine.” I answered back.

“Oh, you know that’ll never work.”She says with a playful smile.

I stick my tongue out at her, “Whatever, you know it will and we’ll get to marry them and live happy ever after.”

She ruffles my hair, “Keep dreaming sweetheart.” Then the teacher comes in and we’re quiet. It seems like the whole day is my finals and we’re worked to the bone. Even though I didn’t study very much I still get through the tests easily. You see, I’m pretty smart and if I actually tried I would be top of the class. But lucky for the real top of the class I don’t try hard and remain a nice high average.

When school finally ends it’s like this cloud is raised and a weight comes off my shoulders. Only five more days and my senior year is OVER. It needs to come sooner. This is going to be the best weekend of my life. Mandy meets me be my locker with a, “HEY BOO-BEAR!” It’s this thing we’ve had since middle school and we always get weird looks for it.

“HEY CARROT-TOP!” I shout back at her. Mandy has bright orange red hair and she shakes it out as she comes towards me with a huge hug.

“Guess what?” Mandy says as she jumps from one foot to the other like a little kid. “SCHOOL’S OUT! And it’s Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Fridays.” She sings/shouts through the halls as we walk.

“Oh God, Mandy please do not sing that.” I plead.

“But it’s just so catchy!” She laughs insanely because she’s got the schools out vibe. It’s way too close to summer to not have that vibe though. I laugh at her and we walk towards my car.

“Want to come over and make t-shirts for tomorrow?” I ask.

“Fooooor shooooore guuuurrrrrrl.” She answers then laughs. I love being friends with Mandy because even though we can be awkward to others, we’re hilarious to ourselves. We hop in the car and drive to the store to pick up black shirts and paint. Two hours later our shirts are done but we’ve got t-shirt paint all over our arms. Ours both say 1D on the front with the boys’ names around it and on the back mine says Vas Happenin’? And Mandy’s says Potato!

When she leaves I fangirl online for awhile before I set my alarm for 3 o’clock in the morning to get up with extra time for the next day. I fall asleep (in my bed this time, not the desk) and dream peacefully of meeting One Direction.

That Crazy SuitcaseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora