Chapter 19

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So.... this chapter sucks. And it's like 3 weeks late... Yeah.  I suck.

Plus I have school. It sucks.

So basically,

life sucks.

So keep on trucking.

Or not.


It's your life.

I'm so depressing.


I'll let you get on with the chapter.


Sarah xx

Chapter 19

We were in the car on the way to the hotel, after a long day of promos and photo shoots. My eyes were drooping and I was leaning on Niall’s shoulder, drawing on myself with a Sharpie. Niall took the Sharpie out of my hand and wrote, ‘Niall loves Leah’ with a little heart around it. I smiled and he kissed me, soft and slow. It was just Niall, me, and the driver and he wasn’t paying any attention to us.

He cupped my chin with his hand. “I love you, Leah.” He says strongly and clearly.

I’m lost in the intensity of his blue eyes. “I love you too Niall.”

He kisses me again, this time with more passion. His hand grabs a fistful of my shirt and my hands slide into his hair, getting my fingers tangled in the golden strands. I was getting lost in him, completely and totally. His hand was at my side, close to cupping my butt in the short shorts. He leaned towards the door and I pushed against him, almost lying on top of him.

He takes a break from my lips to move to my neck, placing little kisses along the side moving down to the collar bone. My hand goes up his shirt, feeling the hard, defined muscles underneath.

“Hey, you know I can see you right?” The driver interrupts, causing us to jump away from each other, blushing hard. Niall takes my hand and I lay across his lap, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the joint of my thumb.

The driver drops us off at the hotel shortly after and my skin is still tingling from the kiss. We get back to our room and as soon as the door is closed and we’re alone I grab a fistful of Niall’s t-shirt, pulling him close to me. He smiles and kisses my nose before kissing my mouth smoothly. I kiss back hungrily, my hands rubbing over his stomach making him smile against my mouth. My hands go to his hair and get tangled, and Niall pushes me closer to him, my body against his.

He pushes me towards the bed and lays me down gently, before climbing over me and leaving teasing kisses down my collar bone. I slip out of my shorts and throw them across the room. I put my hands up Niall’s shirt and lift it up, helping him take it off. I roll him over so that I’m on top of him, straddling his hips. He doesn’t like the tables being turned and playfully flips me over. I laugh and wiggle out of his grasps, falling on the floor.

I’m just lying there laughing. Niall gets up to help me, laughing too. “Nice moves, Leah.”

“Oh, shut up.” I counter playfully. “Like you could do any better.”

He grins, “Well, I am the one that managed to actually stay on the bed.”

I hit him, grinning playfully and go to the bathroom to get a shower and change into my pajamas. In mid shower Niall decides to “save water” and get in the shower with me. I’m pretty sure more water was used though. I fall in to bed with Niall holding onto me, my head resting against his chest and fall into a peaceful sleep for the first time in a few weeks.

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