Chapter 18

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Hey guys! Omg I didn't upload last week :O

I'm a terrible person. Really.

Actually I had a lot of homework and had a really bad week and yeah... It just hasn't been so good lately. :/

Anyways enough about me, sorry for not having this up earlier.

Also, you guys don't vote or comment or ANYTHING. I don't even know if I want to finish this because of all my school work and this I never have any spare time and nobody RESPONDS TO THIS. PLEASE COMMENT. EVEN TO TELL ME I SUCK I REALLY DON'T CARE JUST SAY SOMETHING.

Okay, thanks. Enjoy!

-Sarah Xx

Chapter 18

It’s been a few days since the watch accident and I haven’t been seeping much. There are dark circles under my eyes and I have to be careful not to fall asleep. I’m leaning against Niall’s shoulder, on our way to a promo shoot for something or other, with a massive headache. My eyes keep drooping but I’m struggling to keep them open.

“Are you okay Leah?” Niall asks me, concern in his voice. I look up into his gorgeous blue eyes and see him looking down at me with worry.

 I nod against his stomach and respond, “Yeah, it’s just a headache.”

He looks like he doesn’t believe me and I sure wouldn’t either. It’s apparent that I haven’t been feeling very good the past couple of days. Instead of being my bright, bubbly self I’ve been tired and moping around. He lifts an eye brow and I sigh. “I don’t know, I just haven’t been feeling good lately.”

“Leah,” Niall says softly, “you know you can tell me anything right?” His blue eyes plead with me to trust him.

I give in. “I haven’t really been sleeping.” I can’t tell him everything. Not yet at least.

“Why not?” He asks curiously.

I sigh again. “I don’t know. I just haven’t been able to.” This isn’t completely true but it’s better than leaving him with nothing.

Niall starts to stroke my hair soothingly, me lying in his lap. “You can sleep now. We still have a while until we’re there.” I’m about to protest but I’m just so tired. I finally give in and let my eyelids flutter shut.

“You’re back.” Robot Niall says with a grin.

I glare at him, balancing on a beam above me. He jumps down and lands right in front of me. I continue to glare. “Not like I want to be here.”

“Don’t be so negative, love.” He says with a smirk on his face. I curl my fists, trying to force myself not to smack him.

“I wasn’t being negative, I was telling the truth.” I answer back, gritting my teeth.

“Oooh testy.” Niall smirks again.

I get the watch out of my back pocket. “Stop messing around. What is this?”

Niall’s smirk quickly fades as he becomes serious. “It’s a controller.”

I look at him, confusion apparent on my face. “Excuse me?”

“It takes things from this world, into the real world.” He says.

I raise my eyebrows in disbelief. “What kinds of things?”

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