Chapter 14

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Hey guys! I'm supposed to be doing my homework that's due Monday... I've had all summer to do it but.. oh well. (:

So instead of working on it, I've decided to post this chapter for you lovely people!

Here it is, hope you like it!

-Sarah(: Xx

Chapter 14

                My hands are sweaty and I’m rubbing them together nervously. I’m so scared right now. I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do. This isn’t a joke. This is serious. I grip the microphone in my hands so hard it hurts. It’s turned off but I’m tempted to fiddle with the switch and turn it on to tell everybody that I just can’t do this. I just can’t sing in front of thousands of people. That’s the boys’ job, not mine.

                I feel a hand on my shoulder, rubbing it trying to get me to calm down. I’m practically trembling with fear but a look at Niall’s encouraging smile and the circles he’s rubbing on my shoulders are helping me. I shakily smile back and he pecks me on the lips quickly. “Leah, you’ll do fine. I promise.”  He says reassuringly.

I shake myself off before responding, “I don’t wanna do this. I don’t wanna do this,” more to myself than to Niall.

He chuckles at me, “Babe you’re gonna do fine.”

I turn and put my face in his chest. “Niall, I’m so scared.” Somebody shouts that I’m on in five and I start to tremble even more.

Niall pulls me lightly off his chest and cups my chin with his hand, forcing me to look at him. “Leah, you can do this. You’re a good singer, you’re pretty, and you can have fun in front of people without caring. This is just like if you were hanging with me and the guys. Just have fun and remember if you get scared just make a joke until you feel comfortable enough to sing.”

I nod and before I know it somebody’s pulled me off Niall and is dragging me to the entrance to the stage. They look at me and hold out five fingers, signaling a countdown since it’s so loud over hear from the crowd I can barely hear myself think. I take a few deep, shaky breaths before she starts counting down.

4 fingers. Oh God, I don’t think I can do this.

3 fingers. I feel like I’m going to throw up.

2 fingers. What if they throw tomatoes at me like you see on TV?

1 finger. She basically pushes me on stage and I get a sudden burst of confidence. Maybe I can do this. The boys do this so often they hardly think about it. I CAN do this! I run out on stage and jump up and down to loud shouting. “Hey everybody! How’s everyone doing tonight?” There’s loud screaming from the audience.

“Fantastic! I’m Leah and I’m here to keep you entertained while One Direction gets ready.”  I laugh and the audience laughs with me. Wow, this is way easier than I thought. I smile widely and signal for the band behind me to play and soon I’m singing along to the music.

I can’t believe this is happening. My mind is blank but I know I’m singing the words right. I’m actually pumped up with energy and I run around the stage a bit, jumping along with the crowd. There are so many girls out here and I can’t help but smile and wave at a little girl about 6 or 7 in the second row. She’s jumping around and singing the loudest out of every one around her.

Her little face lights up and she waves back enthusiastically. I grin and sing a note absolutely perfectly. The audience actually likes me and is singing along. I finish the first song and go on to the next. It’s a little unfamiliar to me but after I practiced it I fell in love.

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