Chapter 15

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Hey guys! So... school started. :P This means I won't be able to update as much. Hopefully I can crank one out at least once a week but with the amount of homework I'm going to have, that doesn't look too good.

I'll try my best though! Be sure to vote and comment, or as I've recently been told VOMMENT! Lol, that doesn't sound good at all. It sounds too much like vomit.

Anyways, here's the new chappie. Hope you like it.

-Sarah(: Xx

Chapter 15

The boys were all very understanding about Brown and they were just having a break for a month or two after August and then travelling European countries again.

Niall tried to cheer me up about it all saying that we could skype and text and call all the time. And for Thanksgiving he was trying to see if he could get management to fly me to his home in Ireland to spend time with his family. That made me jump up and hug him again.

I introduced them to my dad and he and Harry got along famously. It was actually kind of scary how similar they were when they were together. They even cracked some dirty jokes and I had to remind them hello, daughter in the room. God, imagine having Harry as your dad. The inappropriate jokes and awkward silences…

“What are you thinking about?” Liam asks me, pulling me away from my thoughts.

I smile at him, “Just thinking about my dad and Harry.”

Liam shakes his head, “God, they’re so similar. You basically had Harry Styles for a father didn’t you?”  He chuckles.

I laugh, “Seems like it, yeah. He was a pretty good dad though. I just resented him a bit when he cheated on my mom. I think I officially forgave him today though.”

Liam looks at me with understanding, “That’s good and yeah, that seems like it’d be hard.”

I nod and look at the ground, “Yeah but… that’s all in the past now.”

He just looks at me for a second before nodding and changing the subject. “So… you’re really going to Brown?”

I sigh, “Yeah, I guess.”

“That’s a great school though! Emma Watson went there, yeah?” Liam asks enthusiastically.

I shrug. “I think so.”

“What do you plan on studying?”  He asks me.

“English, lots of creative writing courses. I want to be an author or maybe own a publishing company someday.” I say.

“Oh, that’s really cool.” He says, a spacey look on his face.

I snap my fingers in front of him. “Liam, you okay?”

He nods his head. “Yeah, I was just thinking what if I was in Uni right now instead of in the band. That’d be so weird.”

I laugh, “Yeah, it’s hard to imagine. All the what ifs you guys have, huh?”

He nods. “We have so many. If Katy Perry hadn’t said yes to Niall, if Simon would have said no to any one of us. If we had gone on the X-Factor and not gotten a contract afterwards. That’s the worst what if I have out of all of them. If we had made it as far as we had and then had to give it all up and go back to our normal lives.”

I agree, “Yeah, that’s a pretty big what if.”

He nods his head solemnly. “Yeah, it really is.” A small frown apparent on his face from concentration.

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