Chapter 17

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IT'S NOT TECHNICALLY FRIDAY! I MISSSED MY DEADLINE! Before you get all crabby, I started this chapter like last night and finished tonight so... you're welcome. It's currently about 12:06 AM where I live and I'm tired. I had a major sugar rush so this chapter is a little... weird.

Hope you like it though! VOMMENT!


-Sarah (: Xx

Chapter 17

“That’s cheating! You can’t get up to go to the bathroom before the other person sits down!” I exclaim to Niall.

Zayn looks over at us, an annoyed expression on his face. “For the love of God, could you please SHUT UP?!”

“But he cheated!” I whine.

“Leah, it’s a game.” Harry points out with his hand resting on his face in annoyance.

I pout and Niall gets up to use the bathroom again smirking. We’ve been at this for the past three hours with the other boys giving up after about an hour. Niall and I are still fiercely competing. The stupid flight attendant comes back asking the boys if they want anything to drink. When she gets to me she glares before walking past me briskly.

I say loud enough so that she could hear, “Man, I really am thirsty.” She looks over her shoulder before rolling her eyes and continuing on with her little cart. My eyes glared daggers as she walked away. Niall gets back and plops in the seat next to me. I shoot out of my chair and race to go to the bathroom and beat Niall. I’m almost to the bathroom door when my foot catches on the wheel of the cart the mean flight attendant lady’s pushing and I fall, bringing the cart down with me.

Ice, soda, and little packaged peanuts are flying everywhere. She gets sprayed in the face with some Coke and stands there, shocked and sticky. I squeak out, “Sorry,” before racing to my seat in terror. The boys are trying not to crack up at the situation, what with my wide eyes and the flight attendant’s hilarious expression.

I bury down in my seat, hiding my face in Niall’s shoulder.

The flight attendant comes over, coke dripping off of her face, in a complete rage. “GET IN THE BACK!” She screams her face red as a cherry tomato.

I look at her confused. “The back?”

“Yes, the back. When customers misbehave, we send them to the back where they have no one to talk to for the remainder of the flight.” She says, almost relishing getting to punish me.

“Why do I have to-?”


“Okay, okay. Chill out.” I mumble while getting up. She turns around to show me where to go and I quickly grab a sketch book to entertain me. I shoot a scared look at the boys and they’re just laughing or smirking. I stick my tongue out and hurry to follow the mean, mean lady.

She leads me all the way to the very back, past all the economy class passengers who look at me with confusion. When we get there she points to a tiny room covered by a curtain. I take one look and step back. “Well, get in there.” She says rather rudely.

“I’m sorry,” I say, not sorry at all, “I’m claustrophobic.”

She grins evilly. “Too bad.” She turns on her heel and walks away swiftly.

I bite my lip and slip in the little closet like space. There’s a tiny bench and I sit on it and tuck my knees under my chin. I take out the sketch pad and pencil but can’t find anything nice to draw. So, I just write, doodling random heats and things. I even get creative and draw some cute little dinosaurs.

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