Chapter 13

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Hey guys. I don't know if you know but I went to Sweden a week or two ago which is why I couldn't post this. It was super fun(: Also, I died the bottom of my hair red. Super fun! :D

Anyways, here's chapter 13 hope you like it (:

Chapter 13

Ugh, somebody’s poking my face. My nose, my cheek, my forehead, my eyelids are all being poked repeatedly and no facial body part is safe. “Lee-Lee. Get up.” Somebody whispers in my ear.

I shoo them away with my hand and drift again. Now somebody’s pressing kisses to the places where I was being poked. “Gorgeous, it’s time to wake up.” The kisses tickle and I start to giggle. My eyes flutter open and I’m immediately faced with a set of gorgeous blue eyes.

“Have a nice time sleeping?” He asks. “I thought you hated sleep.” He teases.

“I hate sleeping at night. Mornings are fair game.” I smile.

He grins at me, “You’re so weird Leah.”

“So I’ve been told.” I answer back. I look around and see we’re still on the bus and the other boys are asleep. “Why are you awake?” I ask.

He shrugs, “I dunno. Just am.”

“And you had to wake me up?” I ask and yawn silently.

“Yeah, I was bored and watching you sleep made me feel all Edward Cullen. I don’t like feeling like Edward Cullen.” He says and I laugh quietly to keep the other boys asleep.

I bury my head in his chest and just breathe in. He smells so good. “Are you smelling me?” He asks incredulously.

“Uh, no. No, I was just uh-. I’m tired!” I stumble.

He laughs at me, “It’s okay, I like how I smell too.”

I mock scowl at him and he kisses my nose. “I also like how you smell.” He whispers in my ear.

I smirk, “Yeah I smell like rainbows.”

“Fruity rainbows?” He asks.

“The fruitiest.” I respond before nodding off, my face still in his chest.

Later I’m jolted awake with something wet on my face. I open my eyes to see Harry squirting me with a water bottle. “GET UP!” He shouts at me.

I groan and some water off my face with the hem of my shirt. “Today’s a special day.” Louis says.

I yawn loudly and stretch my arms, accidentally smacking Niall in the face. “Sorry babe!” I apologize before turning to look at Louis. “Why?” I ask him.

“You’re our opening act remember?” He grins.

I put my face in my hands and groan. “I don’t wanna.” I say stubbornly.

“But you’re good!” Louis protests.

I roll my eyes at the boy with stripes, “Whatever.”

The boys start getting ready and are just stripping in front of me, changing into clothes. I smirk as I stare at Niall’s butt. Harry yells, “Leah! Stop staring at Niall’s bum!”

“I wasn’t staring at anything.” I say lightly and bounce up to get my clothes and head to the bathroom.

Harry grumbles something about being the only single boy and I laugh at him. Niall turns to me, “Does my bum look good today?”

“You know it babe.” I answer back and he gives me a pleased little grin. I roll my eyes before taking my change of clothes to the little bathroom. I brush my teeth and put some make up on before putting my hair in a loose pony tail.

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