Chapter 5

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Hey guys! Sorry this is a little late.... I kinda forgot to upload because I'm weird and don't sleep and stuff. So yeah, this week was boring. I don't really know what to say. I just ate ice cream. Be jealous. ;) Song on the side: Riverside (Let's go!) because it seems to be a One Direction theme song... and it's fun to dance to... and even act gangsta to. :D

Yeah well, this is Chapter 5 hope you like it and all. Don't forget to comment and vote! :)

I looooooove you guys,

Sarah :) Xx

Chapter 5

“That’s crazy.”

“Just do it.”

“But he’ll make me go home!” I pleaded with Harry. He wanted me to introduce myself to the manager as their new travelling companion. I felt like I was in a twisted pop star version of Doctor Who.

“No he won’t. Just tell him what happened!” Harry said as he shoved me towards a man with an ear piece in, typing quickly on a sleek blackberry.

He looked up at me, “Hello love, what can I get you?” he said nicely.

“Um, Mr. Manager, I-I,” I stuttered, “Ikindoffellintotheboys’suitcaseandtheywantmetotravelwiththembecauseI’llmakeitnotboringandyeahtheywanttoknowifit’sokay.” I said, not taking a breath the entire time. When I was done I took several deep shaky breaths and my lungs were about to burst. I was so scared my hands were shaking.

He laughed awkwardly, “Sorry, I didn’t catch all that. Could you repeat it but much slower?” He asked with a nice smile.

“Umm, well… I kind of fell in the boys’ suitcase… and now they want me to travel with them because they say I’m fun or whatever.” I look behind me to see the boys all standing there and Niall grins and gives me a thumbs up. I roll my eyes and look back to the nice man that is their manager.

“Okay? As long as you don’t get in the way, I don’t mind. You can’t show up with them anywhere. It sounds like you’re more of just a bus buddy. If we’re in a crowded place, until we find a nice, secure way to bring you out to the fans, I want you to stay in the bus and out of sight. Sorry it has to be that way but we have to make them look as good as possible.”

I nodded, “Sure, sure. I understand.”

He nodded back and went back to his phone. I went back to the boys, a sad look on my face. “What happened? What happened? Is he not going to let you tour with us? Do you have to go home? I don’t want you to go home.” Louis gushed and gave me a hug.

I patted his head when we broke apart and let my face split into a grin. “He’s letting me stay. But until he comes up with a plan as to what to tell the fans, I have to stay hidden and in the bus.”

Niall took my hand, “Aww sorry, love.”

Liam put his arm around my shoulder, “Yeah, we don’t want you to have to deal with that.”

Zayn put his arm around my waste, “No one wants you to have to stay in the bus all the time.”

Harry and Louis didn’t say anything but they and the other boys enveloped me in a hug. I laughed, “It’s okay guys. It won’t be that bad! And I’m so happy I’m even able to stay!”

A bubbly giggle erupted from me whenever I thought about how great it was going to be spending every day with these amazing people. I put my head in Niall’s chest and just laughed.

“Umm... Leah? Are you okay?” Niall asked confused.

 “Yeah, yeah. I’m just thinking about spending everyday with you guys.” I laughed sweetly.

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