Chapter 4

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I always forget to write my author's note before posting the chapter! Argh, well anyways my freind was nagging me because she wanted to read Chapter 4 so I uploaded early(: But no more uploads until next Friday! There needs to be some anticipation right? lol Song on the side Cute Furry Kittens cuz it's a funny song hehehehehe :D (They're all gonna kill us! lol jk)

Thanks for reading!!

-Sarah Xx

Chapter 4

“LOU, GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF MY FACE!” I shout, giggling. Louis’s waving his enormous bootie in front of my face because I wouldn’t draw on his shoes. He saw the drawings on mine and commanded that I draw on his but I know for a fact that his shoes are worth a lot of money. I didn’t want to risk management yelling at me so I told him no. Now, I have his giant butt in my face.

“YOU KNOW YOU LIKE IT, LEAH!” He wiggles it some more and then sits down on the ground.

“You wish, Louis.” I retort grinning.

“Hey we never decided what we were going to do with you.” Harry said as he winked at me.

I rolled my eyes but Liam got serious.  “Yeah we need to figure that out.”

Louis put on the puppy dog face, “Can we keep her? Please, please, please, please, please!” Was Louis Tomlinson really begging for me? I realized we were friends right off the bat but wow!

I rolled my eyes, “Louis, I am NOT a puppy.” He grinned at me and waited for the other boys to voice their opinion.

Harry pitched in, “I like her.”

Zayn said, “I don’t mind her. She’s a bit loud but I’m already used to Louis. Plus she can draw.”

I smiled at him and he nodded.

Niall looked at me and said, “Well, I think she should stay. We need someone new around us anyways. Plus I like her too.” He looked into my eyes as he said this. I blushed again. It seemed like anything he said made me blush severely.  It’s weird though because whenever I was fangirling I never had a favorite, I just loved them all. Niall seems to keep pulling at my heartstrings though.

“Well, you know I like you Leah. I guess it’s settled then. You’re staying!” Liam said and smiled widely.

“Yay! GROUP HUG!” I shouted and we gathered in for a big hug together. When we were done I asked Liam, “When are you guys going to be done touring in the U.S.?”

“Well, we’re touring all summer but we have a few days off between shows.” He said.

“That’s good. You know guys, I’m glad I fell in your suitcase.”

“We’re glad you fell in there too.” Harry said with a grin.

“This is going to be the best summer EVER!” I said as I flopped onto the couch.

We slept for a couple of hours. Since I’d technically slept in the suitcase I wasn’t that tired and just spent my time playing Temple Run on Harry’s phone. I doodled on my shoes a bit and walked up and down the aisles to keep my legs from falling asleep. Once the boys were asleep though, they were knocked out. I could have run through the aisles naked and they wouldn’t have woken up. Well, Harry might have since he’s always naked. He doesn’t have a shirt on right now and I don’t particularly want to look under the blanket in his lap.

It’s really cool to be with these guys. It feels like I’ve known them my entire life, especially Louis. He’s like a guy version of Mandy. I feel like as soon as I jumped out of that suitcase my life was changed forever. It’s like fate. I smiled to myself as I got out one of the sketchpads Zayn let me use and sketched for awhile. Liam was the first one to wake up and when he saw me he had to do a double take.

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