Chapter 12

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Just realized I forgot to post yesterday! So so so so so so so sorry! Busy day.

Anyways, here's da chapter hope you like it :)

-Sarah Xx

Chapter 12

“HARRY, PLEASE HAVE MY BABIES!” a girl next to me screams. The boys snagged me great front row seats. The girls were going crazy, just so happy to be here.

I grinned widely; glad nobody here knew who I was. I’d finally gotten around to looking at the pictures everybody was talking about. It’s just a side view of Niall and I kissing and my hairs wet so I look a lot different than I do now. Everybody around me just thinks I’m a normal fan.

I joined in screaming with the other girls, “OH MY GOD! ZAYN TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF! I’LL BUY YOU A MIRROR IF YOU DO!”I scream crazily. Zayn laughs at me and winks.

The girl next to me grabs onto my arm tightly, “OMIGOD ZAYN MALIK JUST WINKED AT YOU! AAAAHHHHHHH!” She screams in my ear.

I laugh and turn my eyes back to the stage. The boys wave to the crowd and the place gets about 20x louder. “Tonight is a special night.” Harry announces.

“We’re performing here with you!” He shouts cheekily. The girls go wild and he just grins in satisfaction. They do a speech about how much they appreciate the fans’ support before launching into Up All Night.

I sing/shout it with them along with everybody else. I start jumping up with the other girls too. “I WANNA STAY UP ALL NIGHT AND DO IT ALL WITH YOU.”

I’m smiling so wide the corners of my mouth hurt. I’m so excited to finally be seeing what they do best. They’re even better live with a room full of energy than on their CD.

“It’s time to get serious girls.” Liam says with a smile after performing several songs.

Niall speaks up, “Some of you may have heard that I’m in a relationship with a girl named Leah. We’ve known each other for a little bit now and I really like her. To answer your questions yes, I’m currently dating her. I’ve also heard some of you have been giving her a hard time in Twitter. That’s not fair guys. She’s a really great girl. If you want to tweet her she’d love that just don’t give her hate okay?” Niall asks sincerely.

The girls all nod their heads and one shouts, “I LOVE YOU NIALL! NIAH FOREVER!” It catches on and the stadium is full of girls screaming “NIAH! NIAH! NIAH!” I grin and Niall spots me and grins back.

Then the girl that gripped my arm before whips towards me, “OMIGOD YOU’RE LEAH AREN’T YOU?” She shouts at me.

I smile nervously and put a finger to my lips to signal silence. I don’t really feel like getting mobbed right now. She nods and says, “Oh my gosh! You’re like so pretty! As you can tell, I want Harry.” She says and points to her shirt that says HARRY STYLES I WANT TO STAY UP ALL NIGHT WITH YOU. “I’m glad you’re dating Niall though, he deserves a good girlfriend. Niah forever!” She screams.

I smile, relieved and look back at the stage. They’re just starting Moments and I look at Niall. I’m completely checking him out and he notices and smiles cheekily. It gets to his solo and he looks at me seriously.

Close the door

Throw the key

Don’t wanna be reminded

Don’t wanna be seen

Don’t wanna be without you

My judgment's clouded

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