Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

We’re walking down the streets of Miami and it’s a day before the next show. I’ve got on short jean shorts and a simple tank top. I’m holding hands with Niall and we’re all goofing off at the board walk. I pause to look at the ocean. It’s crystal clear and a gorgeous blue.

Niall tugs on my hand and we continue walking with the other boys. “LEAH!” Louis shouts crazily at me.

I grab onto his shirt and he pulls me along. “Yes Master Tommo?”

“What do you want to do today?”He asks and pulls off his beanie because it’s around 100 degrees out here.

“Ummm… I don’t know.” I say. I look to my right to ask Zayn what he wants to do when I see a gigantic pregnant lady walking towards.

“LOUIS! HIDE ME! HIDE ME!” I scream and make him stop walking, curling up behind him trying to shield myself from the lady.

“What?! What happened?! Where?!” Louis shouts waving his arms back and forth.

“Stop it! Just hide me from that lady.” She’s still walking over to us but it’s taking her forever because she’s as big as a planet.

“Why? What’s wrong with her?” Liam asked wide eyed and freaked out.

“I… don’t….” I say, not being able to focus on my words I’m so freaked.

“You don’t what??” Harry shouts.

“I don’t like pregnant people!” I yell and the pregnant lady is huffing so loud from walking all the way over here she can’t hear me.

I run over behind Niall because he’s farther away from the preggo lady. She comes closer to the boys and I start whimpering behind Niall seriously scared. I wrap my arms around him and hide my face in his shirt, squeezing my eyes shut.

“Aren’t you guys One Direction?” The gigantic pregnant lady asked.

I couldn’t handle it anymore; I took off running shouting, “EW! EW! EW! EW!”

“LEAH! LEAH STOP!” Zayn, Niall, Louis, and Harry are chasing after me while Liam is apologizing to Humungo.

Harry catches up to me and grabs my wrist stopping me. “Are you kidding me? Are you freaking kidding me Leah?”

“No… That lady was sooooo gross!”I sit down right where I am on the boardwalk and curl myself in a ball.

“So, are you like scared of pregnant people?” Liam asked me, having come back from the lady who was preggers.

“I don’t know man; they just really gross me out.” I say, looking up under my arm.

“Leah, get up.” Zayn commands and holds out his arm. I take it and he lifts me up.

Niall stares at me, “Are you like scared of how people get pregnant or…”

“NO!” I slap him on the arm. “I just don’t like… you know… they’ve got this alien thing in them basically living off of them. It’s nasty!”

“No it’s not Leah; it’s the circle of life.” Liam explains to me calmly.

“IT’S SO GROSS!” I shout.

“What are you going to do if you and Niall want to have kids?” Louis asks me.

“I don’t know. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t… adopt!” We start walking again and the boys are making fun of me.

“How can you be afraid of pregnant people?”Liam jokes with me.

I scoff, “How can you be afraid of spoons?”

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