Chapter 14: Dillon's Story

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******14! DIS IZ CHAPTAR 14! WOO! Um..... I don't know what else to put here, yet again. Although there is one thing. I WISH I COULD'VE GONE TO PAX EAST! K. I'm done complaining now. :3 So hope you enjoy chapter 14 and please vote, comment, and what not and I'll C y'all l8r. Please read on and BAI!!!

p.s. I'm watching Preston and Rob's faction series on my xbox. Yay!******

**Riley's POV**

I honestly can't tell you how many times I've caught Ty catching glances at Dee during the car ride home. But then again what do I know, Darcie and I have probably been giving Dee an ear full with our story of how we got to California and other interesting things that happened.

Once we got home, everyone made their way to the couch while Quentin and Jordan went into what's left of the kitchen to microwave some pizza. I guess our new stove won't be installed for a little while.

**Dee's POV**

I sat down on the ginormous (haha I know that's technically not a word but too bad XD) couch next to Darcie and Ty.

"So Dillon", Tyler asked me. "How exactly did you meet Riley and Darcie?" [Dani if you are reading this, I just randomly made this up]


I sat in the corner of the play yard during recess in first grade. I felt lonely and left out. Almost every girl was running around playing with Barbies and My Little Ponies. The guys never wanted to come within 7 feet of a girl due to fear of "cooties". I was never really into Barbies as a kid. I was into watching Pokemon and Naruto and shows like that.

I was about to go to the office and call home to see if I could transfer schools. I really hated it there and I felt like an inmate in prison. Being lonely only made it worse. Before I could even move, I saw too girls walking towards me.

"Oh no please don't be like the rest", I silently said to myself.

"Hi! I'm Darcie", said a girl with darker skin and dark brown curly hair. "And this is Riley" Darcie gestured to a girl with green eyes and short, curly brown hair.

"Hi", I said. I was pretty shy when I was little.

"Woah", Riley screached. "Is that an Onyx?" She pointed to one of my pokemon cards.

"Yea" I replied.

"Lucky! The best one I've got so far is a Charmeleon.", Riley replied.

"Riles, if you think thats bad, I only have like 6 Squirtles", Darcie said.

"Could you teach us how you got that?", Riley asked.

"Sure", I said, I think I was smiling now. "Let's play"

We played for a while, with me teaching them a bunch of extra techniques and rules to follow when playing with Pokemon cards. I was actually having fun and I was beginning to like these girls. Eventually, our recess monitor, who I referred to as the warden, blew his exceedingly loud whisle, signalling to us, telling us that we had to go back inside.

"I almost forgot", Riley began as we were walking inside. "What's your name?"

"Dillon", I said

"Dillon? I don't really like that. You need a nickname", Darcie said.

"I agree" Riley said. They both looked at each other and nodded.

"Dee", they said in unison.

"Dee? I like it" I agreed. They asked me to sit with them at lunch and ever since then, we were friends.

-End of Flashback-

By the time I finished my story, everyone had eaten at least two pieces of pizza each. Man they had a ton of pizza here. It was getting late and I realized that I'd have to leave soon.

"Hey Dee" Ty began. "It's getting pretty late and the weather man is calling for a pretty tough storm tonight. Would you like one of us to drive you home?" I sighed.

"As much as I'd like to go home, I can't", I said.

"Wait, why? I don't understand", Ty said. He sounded really concerned.

"My parents kicked me out. I've been staying at a hotel for about a week and I don't think I'll be able to stay there much longer due to my current finacial state. By my estimate, I'm probably going to be living on the streets in the next 3 days"

Riley and Darcie looked at Jerome with pleading eyes. He just sat there for a couple seconds and then just nodded.

"Well Dee", Darcie began. "Looks like you can stay here with us for while until you get back on your feet"

"Wait really?" I asked. I couldn't believe it. I just found my best friends a flipping Best Buy and now they were saving me from the tragedy I was facing.

"Sure! She can stay in the guest room next to mine", Ty said. Well he seemed very excited.

"Thank you guys so much!" I screamed. I jumped right out of my seat and hugged everyone. I think I even saw Ty blush. <3 Then Riley, Darcie, and Ty led me upstairs to show me my room.

My friends basically just saved me from the street. And I do owe a ton to them. But there's one thing I notice that is a little off about my friends. And tomorrow, I'm going to ask Riley and Darcie what exactly is going on.

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