Pretty Disease

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I just heard about the Hanahaki disease. I know it's fictional but I just wondered if I should do a oneshot with it. (My characters are being used) ~Kurativ
Belle's P.O.V
I had always loved him and I will do anything for him. I know he doesn't really like me back the way I do, but I still love him with all my heart. I always stood right by his side and treated him fairly. Others say I'm just clingy and obsessed, but he says I'm a wonderful person. I told him everything he needed to know. Of course, I didn't tell him one thing. I'm afraid if I tell him about my sickness, he wouldn't care for me anymore and leave me behind. Just the thought terrified me.

I was walking beside Hypno on our way back to our homes. He was my best friend, but my biggest crush at the same time. A while back, when I discovered about my crush, I had been diagnosed with Hanahaki. They say it occurs when one-sided love happens. In this case, it might be true. I never told Hypno about it, and I probably never will. We were halfway home when I felt my throat become dry. 'Why now, all of sudden? Right when I'm next to him?' I mentally shouted. I tried to open my mouth and ask for a drink but my throat was just so dry I couldn't speak.

"Scar, are you okay? You don't look to well." Hypno asked, worry in his voice. I started to cough. I felt the petals coming up from my lungs. I was gasping for air and then I felt my knees hit the pavement. I knew Hypno was shouting but his voice sounded so far away. I had a coughing fit and shiny, silver petal started falling out. It wasn't much at first but then more came out. I felt strong arms wrap around me. I could see him right in front of me, even though my vision was blurry.

I was really scared and confused at the same time. It's usually not this bad. When it happens, I still cough up petals, but only a few come out. The pain wasn't this unbearable. This time, it felt like I was coughing up my lungs instead of the small petals from the flowers. I saw people staring at me, some with disgusted, worried, confused, and horrific faces. The last thing I could see was Hypno right in front of me. "" Those were the words I could hear before the only thing I could see was darkness.

Who knew such a small and delicate object could grow dangerous and life-threatening. It's like a rose. It's beautiful, but it's harmful at touch. I am aware that the disease worsens over time. To me, that's just another way of saying, 'you're not going to have a long life like you wanted.' It hurts, not my lungs, but my heart as well. It hurts me because I won't be able to see my family anymore. I won't be able to do my dream job. I won't be able to see Hypno, the one who helped me through hard times, my biggest crush, my best friend, anymore. It's worse than a heartbreak, if that's possible.


I woke up in the hospital, the same one where I was diagnosed with Hanahaki disease. The room was so white the light seemed even brighter than it should be. My throat was so sore from the coughing fit and my chest was aching. I looked around the room, ignoring the headache. There were only a few items inside the room. Chairs, doctor equipment, and a tv on the wall.

     I heard quiet voices on the other side of the door. Even though my head and chest hurt, I sat up. The voices hushed and then a doctor walked in. He had a clipboard in his hands and he looked up at me. I saw him wince a small bit, but he walked up beside me. "How are you feeling, Belle?" He asked. My throat was still sore but I responded. "I need water, but my chest and head hurt." My voice was hoarse and barely audible. He wrote down something on his clipboard. "Alright. I'll be back with your water." With that, he left.


     "We're so glad your okay. I was so worried about you." Static told me. I was back at my house. I felt more weak, but I still have energy. "Thanks, Static." I muttered as I took a sip of my tea. "You know, Hypno looked like he was broken when he was with you on the sidewalk. He thought you wouldn't make it." He whispered to me. I felt my cheeks heat up but my chest ache a bit at what he said.

     An hour had passed and Static stood up. "I must get going. See you again soon." He said as he hugged me. "Bye, Static." I said back to him. As soon as I heard the front door close I felt so terrible. Static was the only person who knew about my sickness. He doesn't know about what the doctor said to me the day I left. I remember word for word what he said. 'Your disease is getting worse. I'm afraid we can't fix it. Worst of all... you only have a few days left.'

     I decided I wanted to stand by Hypno until I pass away. He was the one I wanted to see before it happens. I know I sound so cliché, but it's true. We had been hanging out together after I left the hospital. I guess he knows about my disease, but I felt relief that he said he would still care for me no matter what. I was so happy that my fear wasn't going to be real.

     A few days have passed and I've been with Hypno ever since. This day wasn't the same though. He doesn't know this, but this is my last day. Every day I have been getting weaker and weaker. I was walking along the park's path with Hypno and talking. "Let me show you something. Trust me, it'll be worth it." He said, smiling. I nodded, trying not to break down in front of him. He brought me to a lake, and since it was sunset, it was amazing. The orange and pink sky reflected on the blue water of the lake.

     We sat down on the grass and he looked at the lake. I glanced over at him and he turned his head towards me. He smiled brightly and said "It's beautiful, isn't it?" I smiled weakly and responded with "Yeah. It's really nice, Hypno."  I know I have to tell him. I just can't bring the strength to do so. "Listen, Scar, I know you like me more as a friend, and I rejected that I didn't like you more as a friend, but now, I feel to bad saying that to you. As the days passed over... I developed feelings for you. Never had the strength to tell you." He said softly.

     Oh how I wish you told me sooner. My lungs felt as if it was on fire. "H-Hypno-" I started coughing "I-I am so g-glad you-" my coughing got worse and I felt more petals rising. He looked at me worriedly. "-told me, b-but-" I couldn't finish my sentence as whole flowers started coming out my mouth. "Scar-!"  I started to shake violently. I'm too late. "I l-love you..." I whispered. I fell down to the ground and flowers started sprouting.

     I looked over to Hypno only to see a heartbreaking sight. He was bawling his eye out, shaking slightly. This is it. This is the last moment. I couldn't feel my limbs and the flowers were still in my mouth and lungs. I couldn't hear anything. I felt his arms wrap around me tightly. He was sobbing, but it sounded distant. My eyes closed and bright light was what I saw. Right before it ended I could hear the sentence I always wanted to hear.

"I love you so much."

If only he said that earlier.


W O A H. I'm shook. I spent so long on this. Yeah this was a bit emotional, sorry. Hope you liked it though. Feel free to give me requests! ~Kurativ

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