You Big Softie

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PaperHat fluff request by Dolly_Maron, part of it being made at midnight 😀 anyways, hope you like it bro! ~Kurativ
     Rain softly hit against the windows, their quiet pattering echoing through the lab. It was rather calming, especially with the moonlight shining through. It had just passed sunset; the moon starting to rise high. It was a rare, quiet and peaceful night at Black Hat Inc.

     Dr. Flug was standing at his desk, working on a new invention. The desk was a bit messy, having a few cups that had coffee and blueprints. Tools were also scattered across the desk. Flug then sighed, straightening his back and rubbing his face under his bag. He's been forcing himself to stay up and finish the invention, despite Black Hat's orders to not do so.

     It's true that Black Hat has been warming up to Flug, him becoming more appreciative of his only scientist. Black Hat didn't want Flug to over-work himself after the last time, when Flug had passed out in his lab due to tiredness. Black Hat has been checking more on Flug more often because of that, worrying about his stability.

     Flug has slightly improved from his boss' actions, him becoming more confident and less nervous. He would also think about his boss as well, wondering exactly what made him change towards Flug. That's also what he was thinking about while in the lab, along with other thoughts flowing through his mind.

     Flug set down his pencil, picking up a half-empty mug of coffee and taking a sip. He then adjusted his goggles, putting a hand under his chin in thought. He didn't even notice the footsteps coming towards the lab as he was deep in thought. What startled him out of his daze was the sudden knocking at his door, signaling either 5.0.5 or Black Hat. Dementia was never the one to knock.

     Flug quickly put his mug on the desk and walked towards the door, mumbling incoherent words to keep his train of thought. He reached for the door handle, opening it and revealing his boss, Black Hat. Flug wasn't expecting it to be Black Hat, an 'Oh!' escaping his mouth. He cleared his throat, hurriedly asking, "Yes sir, is there something you need?"

     Black Hat shook his head, looking at Flug. "I just want to know the current progress of the new invention." He answered, having a small smirk on his face. As Flug let Black Hat inside, he talked about the invention. "It's nearly complete, I shou-" Flug started, but was interrupted. "I hope that doesn't mean you haven't slept any, Dr. Flug." Black Hat spoke, turning to face Flug. He raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for an answer. "Oh, um, well..." Flug trailed off.

     Black Hat sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Have I not told you to make sure you sleep and eat properly?" He scolded, placing a hand on his hip. Flug fidgeted under his intense stare, fiddling with his fingers. "Sorry sir, it's just an old habit of mine." Black Hat's gaze softened, dropping his hand to his side.

     "I really can't stay mad at you." Black Hat muttered. Flug wouldn't make eye contact, staring down at the tiled floor. Black Hat gently placed his hand on Flug's shoulder, slightly startling him. "Listen Dr. Flug, I want you to go rest. Don't worry about the project right now, your health is more important." Black Hat said, a sincere look on his face. Flug glanced up at Black Hat, him making Black Hat quickly turn his head to the side because of Flug's innocent stare.

     "A-are you sure, sir? Like I said, I'm almost done with it.." Flug said, staring at Black Hat's flustered expression. "Yes. You'll continue it in the morning, you need rest, Dr. Flug." Black Hat quickly said, trying to keep eye contact. Flug saw Black Hat's small smile, making him smile under his bag. "Well then. I guess I'll go, so thank you, sir." Flug said cheerfully, turning away from Black Hat. Black Hat sighed, feeling suddenly relaxed. He mumbled a "No problem" under his breath, watching Flug gather a few things.

     Black Hat wasn't unfazed when Flug took his bag off, he's seen Flug without it multiple times. However, his 'heart' skipped a beat when he saw Flug turn back around, seeing his lightly-freckled face and green eyes. He even had a tiny smile on his lips. Black Hat cleared his throat, noticing that he was staring.

     "Well then, guess I should leave." Black Hat said, beginning to head towards the door. He took a step, then heard quiet tapping coming closer to him; meaning that Flug was walking to him. Flug tapped Black Hat's shoulder, and said "Not even a proper 'goodnight'?" with a joking tone. Black Hat glanced over to Flug, chuckling softly.

     "Yeah, okay. I'll give you a 'goodnight' then." Black Hat replied, a smirk plastered on his face. Flug brought his hand up to wave goodbye, but wasn't prepared for his boss' actions. Black Hat had bent down to Flug's height, giving him a kiss on Flug's forehead. Black Hat then turned away, walking towards the door while waving goodbye. He said a simple "Goodnight, Flug." before closing the lab doors.

     While Black Hat made his departure, Flug's entire face had turned into the same color as his hair. His heart fluttered, squeaking out a quiet "What?" as he was confused by the sudden act of affection. He didn't necessarily dislike it though, he actually liked it. Flug had liked Black Hat being nicer to him, growing a liking to him. Flug then sighed, smiling like a love-struck fool while he headed towards his room.

     Black Hat was a flustered mess by the time he made it to his office, hoping he had made a right move by giving Flug that peck on the forehead. His face was hot, as thoughts flowed throughout his mind. He sat down at his desk and put his head in his hands, releasing a ragged sigh.

     "That scientist is making me soft," he grumbled to himself, but a smile appeared on his face as a thought passed through his head, "Not that I have any problem with it." He chuckled at the end of his sentence.

GAHH! I'm so sorry that this is so late!! I originally started this like, a MONTH ago and never got to finish it! *sigh* anyways, I hope you like his oneshot even though it is a bit shorter than the others but it's still decent lol. Also, I have no idea what Flug truly looks like so I made it up. Well, I hope you guys have a good night/day! ~Kurativ

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