Animal Center

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Tythan or Klance? Tythan. Enjoy! Art is not mine! ~Kurativ
Ethan worked as a kennel worker at an animal shelter. Of course, he loved his job because of the animals there. They had dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, and small rodents. He always spent time with them, especially when nobody was around. His boss was always in the back, so he barely saw him.

Ethan was currently slumped against the counter, on his phone. It was rather boring, since he just got there. The dogs weren't barking, which was good. They were quiet in the mornings, because customers don't usually come in. However, when the afternoon rolls around, customers start coming in more.


Tyler was with Mark early in the morning. They had to do a few errands, so they were walking around town.

"Tell me why we're still out here early in the morning, again?" Mark complained. Tyler chuckled. "We had to do some stuff. You needed to do them eventually." Tyler replied. He looked down at Mark, who still seemed a bit sluggish. "Why in the morning, though?" Mark whined. Tyler rolled his eyes while smiling down at his friend.

     They finished their errands, but Tyler still wanted to walk around town. Obviously Mark argued back, but gave in. They passed stores and small cafés, but suddenly stopped when Mark saw the Pet Center and put his hand on Tyler, stopping him as well. Mark then began patting Tyler rather hardly and smiled. "Let's go inside! I want to see the puppers!" He exclaimed.

Mark then began pulling Tyler towards the Pet Center.


Ethan was laying against the counter, petting a cat who he had let out of their cage. The cat was purring softly and kept rubbing her head at Ethan's hand. He chuckled softly when she meowed, and rolled onto her back. "You goofball." He mumbled and played with her.

The bell suddenly chimed, and then Ethan perked up. The cat then sat up and watched as Ethan walked towards the front. He then saw two men walking inside. One was way taller than the other, and he had brown curly hair. The other had raven black hair that was floofed.

The black-haired one looked around smiling, staring at the hamsters and guinea pigs. The brown-haired one stood close to him, and was looking at his phone. Ethan thought he was rather handsome, by his built figure and features.

Ethan then came out from behind a shelf and cleared his throat. That caught the men's attention, because they looked over to Ethan's direction. "Well, hello there! Welcome to the adoption center, anything in particular you came to see?" He said, keeping his cheery tone.

Ethan had a bright smile on his face, which made Tyler feel his lips twitch upward as well. "Uh, well, I just wanted to look and I pulled my friend along with me." Mark spoke. He stepped closer to Ethan and stuck his hand out. "Name's Mark, and that's Tyler." He said confidently. Ethan shook his hand gently, and said "I'm Ethan. Pleasure to meet you guys." He still had a smile on his face.

"Oh, and I also like your hair. Nice color." Mark said politely. Ethan's bright smile turned into a sheepishly one, as he ran his finger through his fading blue hair. "Thanks." He said, eyes shifting towards Tyler, who was silent. Tyler caught Ethan's gaze, causing him to turn his head, cheeks heating up.

Mark, being Tyler's best friend, took notice of his behavior. He grinned and nearly shouted, "Hey Ethan, where are the dogs?" The outburst startled Ethan a bit, but still answered. "They're around the corner. Go help yourself, just don't let them out to roam." He said quickly. Mark said a thanks before running off towards the dogs.

Ethan's eyes made contact with everything except Tyler. Tyler was also shifting a bit uncomfortably. God, the awkwardness was awful. "So..are you..Mark's best friend or something?" Ethan decided to ask. "Um, yeah. We've been friends for a while now." Tyler replied, glancing at Ethan. "Ooh, when you guys go to the store, does he have you get the stuff from the high shelves?" Ethan joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Actually, yeah, he does." Tyler chuckled, smiling a bit. Ethan grinned at his accomplishment, and continued to chat with Tyler.

     Ethan found out that Tyler was actually a big softie, even though he looks intimidating. It was until Tyler said he loved animals as well for Ethan to realize, he's falling for the guy. Tyler also grew a liking for Ethan, but who couldn't learn to like the boy? The way he smiles is just contagious for Tyler, and how he's so bubbly.

     As they were talking, the cat from the counter wanted some more affection, so she hopped off and walked towards Ethan. She rubbed her body against Ethan's legs, showing she wants attention. Ethan giggled at her and bent down to pet her. Tyler heard the cat purr and he bent down to Ethan's height.

     "What's her name?" Tyler asked. "Ruby." Ethan responded simply. "Nice name." Tyler mumbled. He reached his hand out for Ruby to sniff, and she did so. She meowed loudly and ran towards Tyler. Since he wasn't that far, she basically tackled him. She was sitting on his chest and rubbed against his hand.

     Ethan tried to cover up his laughter, but failed. "She must like you. Here, let me help." He said in-between laughs. He then picked Ruby off of Tyler and headed towards the counter. Tyler followed behind, brushing off himself. He chuckled softly at what Ruby did, and watched Ethan set her on the counter and walk behind it.

     As if on cue, Mark waltzed back into the room. Ethan and Tyler looked towards him, and Mark smiled. "I'll be waiting outside." He sneered. The bell signaled his departure and Tyler looked back at Ethan. "Don't want to keep him waiting. So, I'll see you again?" Tyler asked, a bit sheepishly. "You know it, I'm always here." Ethan replied, smiling as he felt his cheeks heat up. Tyler then nodded and held out his hand. Ethan shook it, and he left rather quickly.

     Ethan felt something in his hand, and opened it. Inside was a slip of paper with a number on it. He assumed it was Tyler's and he bounced with joy. He quickly added Tyler's number to his phone and sighed dreamily.

     "Guess who just got a crush, Ruby." He glanced over to Ruby, who meowed back. "You guessed right." He joked.

I'm procrastinating so much. Hope you liked it though! It's a bit long too, but it doesn't matter because it's a oneshot. ~Kurativ

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