Partners In Crime

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Hey hey look it's PEEEWWWDIIEEECRYY! This oneshot is a thief AU, where as Cry is a murderer and Felix is a thief. It just randomly came into my head. Art is not mine.~Kurativ
Cry's P.O.V
     Everyone knows who I am in this town. There's literally posters everywhere, so it's hard to not see it. No one has ever caught me, I consider myself an expert. Of course I wasn't the only criminal in this town, there's many others. They aren't as wanted as me, but there have been other robberies.

     I was walking across a rooftop, looking for an objective. I'm a soloist, I don't do partners. I'm better off alone, with no one to drag along with me. I'm still a thief, but more of a murderer. I was one of the top criminals, and it will stay that way. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard an explosion.

     My head whipped up to the source of the sound. I saw the front of a building blown to pieces and in flames. The way it sounded, this was no accident. I leaped across a few rooftops to get a closer look. I saw two figures running out the back of the buildings. One was bigger than other.

     They must be new thieves. I've never seen any other blow up a building on purpose. I continued leaping onto rooftops to follow them. There's no way I'm risking going onto the ground. Way to many cops and firefighters. I saw where they went, and that was into the forest. 'Guess I'm going on an adventure.' I thought.

Felix's P.O.V
     "Dangit, Ken, you almost blew up the whole thing!" I shouted towards Ken. We were just going to commit a small robbery, but nooo he just had to blow the frontside. "At least we got most of the stuff. We're also alive, so it's not really my fault." He said, rather calmly. We headed back to our camp, hauling the objects we've stolen.

     "You know, I'm gonna miss you, pal." I said. He was going to leave for a bit, for personal reasons. "I'm going to miss you too. We're great partners." He replied. I put the bag down and sat on the ground. We've been partners for a while. He even already had a bag ready to leave.

     He wanted to do one last crime before he left. Ended up sending the building in flames. My legs were a bit tired from carrying a bag and running. "Do you think anyone saw us?" Ken asked, breaking the silence. "Hopefully, no. The fire probably distracted them." I replied.

     I suddenly heard a soft crunch. I whipped my head around and looked. I saw nothing and stood up. Ken must've heard it too, because he stood up as well, looking. After a bit of silence, I spoke. "Must have been an animal. We are in the forest." Ken nodded and took a deep breath.

Cry's P.O.V
     I mentally screamed when I broke a twig. I stood still and silent. He looked right passed me and said that it was an animal. I released a silent breath and climbed up a tree. I crouched down on a branch and studied them.

     'Two males. One looks more buff than the other. Concealed weapons? Possibility. One had sandy blonde hair and sounded Swedish. Other had a southern accent and a beard. He had a smaller bag with him.' I mentally took notes. 'Either I've never seen them before or they're new.' I said before I slowly climbed back down.

     I decided I wasn't going to bother them for the rest of the night. I'll come around tomorrow. I silently left them and went back to where I lived. Wasn't the best, but it provided my needs. It was originally someone else's, but I disposed of him and took over.


     The next day wasn't that eventful. I stole a few small items, no biggie. However, I didn't see that Swedish and Southern guys. Well, it would make more sense that they did their crimes at night. Almost every beginner starts off easy.

     I didn't have my mask on, so I was walking down a sidewalk. The only way townsfolk identify me is my mask. It doesn't have anything special to it, it just covers my face and its expression is a poker face. They don't really know what I look like, either. Got to keep yourself hidden if you don't want to get caught.


     It was now night, and I was looking for the newbies. I did one last look around town before I left to their spot. As soon as I reached the forest, I slipped on my mask. I always have it with me. They could be anywhere, so I had to be extra quiet.

Felix P.O.V
     Ken had left earlier today. It was too quiet without him. I was at our 'hideout', if that's what you want to call it. I felt a bit odd, it was way too quiet for a forest. I ran my hand through my hair and looked around. It was harder to see, since it was dark. The only lightsource was my fire.

     "Where's your partner, friend?" Somebody said with an oddly smooth voice. It nearly gave me a heart attack by how sudden it was. "Where are you? I want to see you." I said, loud enough for it to hear. I heard rustling from a treetop and a white mask poked out. "I can't to that, friend. I need to know you, first." Then he went back. I growled lowly before responding.

     "It's PewDie. Stop calling me friend, I don't know you." I said. He leaped down, keeping a fair distance. "You sure you don't know me? I'm everywhere 'round town." He sneered. To be honest, I had no idea who this was. "Well obviously I don't. Care to tell me?" I scoffed. He tilted his head a bit.

This got a bit longer than what I expected it to be so I'm making a part 2. I might not continue 'Just Friends'. I don't know. Anyways, Hope you like it! Feel free to send requests! ~Kurativ

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