Scorched Land

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I wanted to try an Apocalypse AU, but for this one I'm using my own characters. Hope you'll enjoy it! ~Kurativ
     There was no single hint of color on the dry earth. It was just a bland, dusty color. The grass, or whatever was left of it, was burned and now a dead brown shade. The air slightly burned to breathe, because of the previous ash and dust. Very few was still alive, and whoever was, fought for their lives against the harsh earth conditions.

     Every building was either crumbled or burnt to the ground. Some Survivors believe that a sickness spread, killing its victims, some believe that someone dropped bombs. Both answers would've caused the havoc, so it's hard to choose. Survivors still scramble for supplies, trying to avoid Loners or the Scavengers.

     Cody's been on a streak of not running into anybody, as he thought. He knew that whatever luck he has, wouldn't last long. He was walking along the silent and broken roads of a torn-up city. The only thing keeping him sane in this world is the soft pitter-patter and quiet panting of his companion, General.

     Cody's known General since they were both young. General was the perfect friend and guard; always by Cody. General was a pure-bred German Shepherd, one of the most loyal dog breeds. General was always helpful, especially when calming down Cody because of his anxiety.

     The 'concrete' of a side walk crunched underneath Cody's feet, kicking behind pebbles. A gas station that was barely standing was in the distance. Cody lifted his head up, staring at the building. Listening to General's footsteps, he quietly spoke. "Heh, we might be lucky if we find somethin', bud."

     Cody didn't get his hopes up too far, because he knows that things are really scarce, having a higher chance of nothing. General listened to him, giving a soft whimper in return. His collar jingled a bit by the tags. Cody tried his best to take care of General, making him look better than himself.

     As they got closer to the gas station, Cody's footsteps got quieter. He didn't want to push his luck and find out that there's Loners or Scavengers. Cody then crouched slightly behind a corner, making sure the coast is clear. General knew at this point that he had to be stealthy as well, so he hid behind Cody.

     "So far, so good." Cody whispered. He then snuck in through the broken-in entrance, careful of his steps. Trash and glass littered the tiled floor. He crouched behind the shelves, not wanting to be seen through the 'windows'. General searched for food or water as well, helping out Cody.

     The shelves were mostly emptied of its supplies. 'People have been here before.' He thought. Cody sighed, knowing that something like this would happen. He's been trying to take as much food that his backpack could hold, along with other supplies. Cody then put his hand on a rack, taking in a breath. He snapped out of his thoughts when General rubbed his snout against him.

     "Hm? What is it?" Cody asked, facing General. General then turned his head and walked forward. He noticed that Cody didn't move, so he glanced at him and barked softly. Cody knew what he meant, after years of spending time with him. He quickly got back up on his feet, crouching, and followed General. General led him towards another rack, which seemed perfect in place.

     That's what clicked in Cody's mind, that someone had purposely put it back in place. Curiosity took over him, wondering what was being hidden. Cody then pulled the rack out, and felt the wall. It was oddly warm, and he ran his finger over a big crack. He picked at it, until the whole panel came off the wall. It didn't take long for it to come off, since the building was rusty, and someone had a stash behind it.

     Cody then took the supplies, which consisted of food, water, ammo, and a pistol. Cody's never really operated a gun before, but it's better to have for emergencies. The pistol wasn't loaded, so he slipped it into a separate backpack pocket. The hole was covered back up, Cody making sure he left no noticeable trace.

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