Jus' Doodling

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Social butterfly Jason and artistic Daniel. Dunno why but I thought it'll make a good oneshot. (Both from "Your Broken English"). ~Kurativ
     School, the place where things can be pretty hectic or alright. There's not really an in-between those two. Probably the most boring place on earth to most people, but you gotta get through it.

     Jason, the one who everyone knew and got along with, had it easy. Everyone loved his bubbly and energetic personality, so he didn't have any bullies or anything like that. He wasn't exactly the best student with all A's, but his lowest grade was a C, so that's okay. "Not a big deal, I can fix it." Is something he would say.

     Then there's the introvert, yet creative Daniel. He's the type of kid who would sit in back, by the window. He's pretty smart, even though he can't speak English that well. Yes, he understands every word, but his accent just makes his words sound off. Every time a teacher calls on him, even though his hand is obviously down, he tenses up a bit. He hates it when that happens, but luckily it's occasional.

     Fortunately, things were going smoothly for Jason and Daniel. They had all their classes together, and Jason had tried to talk with Daniel a couple of times. Then, the class had their seats changed, putting Jason and Daniel right next to each other. Both didn't mind, but when the second day with switched seats was a bit different.

     They were in Math class, which was the most boring one. Jason was on the verge of falling asleep, propping his head on his hand. He huffed, and his eyes drifted over to Daniel.

     Daniel was laying his head on the desk, using his arm as a pillow while looking at his notebook. He looked very uninterested in whatever was going on. Jason put his hand down and tilted his head over to Daniel, getting a better look at what he was really doing.

     Daniel had taken notes, writing the example problems as well, but the margin and bottom of his page were covered in drawings. Not only were they doodles, they were really good doodles. It looked like he wasn't even trying.

     Jason's eyebrows lifted, and he leaned a bit closer to Daniel. "That's some nice drawings." Jason whispered, pointing at his notebook. Daniel quietly made a sound that sounded like a yelp, and jumped slightly. Jason backed up a bit, and Daniel breathed out as he realized it was only Jason.

    "Tu me asustas." Daniel chuckled slightly. He glanced over to Jason who had a confused look on his face. "Oh, nothin'. Um, thanks." Daniel sheepishly smiled, not making eye contact. "No problem. So, you like to draw?" Jason asked, trying to communicate longer than those other times. "Yes. Is good?" Daniel immediately caught his speech mistake, and felt his face heat up.

     Jason took notice and gave a small pat on the back to Daniel. "Don't worry, I knew what you meant. You're pretty good." Jason replied, keeping his voice low. Daniel finally made eye contact with Jason and smiled. "You're pretty nice. No wonder they like you. I'm too shy." Daniel mumbled. "I'm sure you'll come out of that shell one day." Jason assured.

     Daniel averted his eyes down to his notebook. "Seriously, who can't like that accent. It's bueno." Jason attempted at trying to speak a word from Spanish. Daniel couldn't hold in his laugh, and disrupted class.

     "Jason, Daniel. This is your first warning. Pay attention, please." The teacher said strictly. Daniel's face tinted with red from embarrassment, and Jason nodded, looking down. The teacher then continued with the lesson.

     After a few more minutes, class was over. Students immediately gathered their things and ran out the door.

     Even the next class, ELA, Jason and Daniel were talking here and there. They paid more attention to the lesson than Math, which makes sense. They were doing independent work then, and Jason got the idea of writing notes to Daniel. He tore off a piece of paper from his notebook and wrote on it.

"Did you like my attempt at Spanish?"

     Jason passed the note to Daniel, who was also sitting beside him. In ELA, they sat in table groups, so there was also two other people there. However, they were paying no attention to them. Jason continued working on the assignment, reading and answering the questions.

     The note was placed on his notebook and picked it up.

"Yeah, it was pretty funny though."

     They both continued writing little notes to each other, all while completing the assignment. Now that's multitasking.


     It was the end of the school day, and Jason was gathering his things. He slung his backpack over his shoulder and started walking down the hall.

     He then heard little taps, and turned around. He saw Daniel, heading towards him. He gave a small wave, and there was something in his other hand. Jason waited for Daniel to catch up, and they started walking together. Daniel had earbuds plugged in, but only had one in his ear so he could hear Jason.

     "What are you listening to?" Jason asked, curiosity in his voice. "Shakira. She's my favorite, do you wanna listen?" Daniel responded, pronouncing her name right effortlessly. Jason shrugged, and put in the other earbud. He listened for a bit, and Daniel handed him the paper that was in Daniel's hand earlier. Daniel didn't say anything, and kept looking forward.

     "It's pretty good, but I have no idea what she's saying, to be honest." Jason chuckled. Daniel gave a small laugh, and shook his head. "Maybe I can teach you Spanish one day." Daniel offered. "Nice offer, can't deny it." Jason gave Daniel a lopsided grin. "Dork." Daniel chuckled and lightly punched Jason on the arm. Jason looked down at the folded paper in his hand, and opened it.

     It was an amazing drawing of a wolf running, with flames surrounding it. The flames even had orange and red coloring to it.

     "I'm surprised by how we became friends so quickly." Jason said, and looked over to Daniel.


So, just to clear things up, they didn't know each other unlike the book, and they're in middle school. So, I hoped you liked it and I'm trying to get better at endings. ~Kurativ

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